Episode 4 of the documentary exposé of anti-porn fanatic Shelley Lubben and her sham non-profit organization, Pink Cross Foundation.
This episode debunks another segment of “The Shelley Lubben Myth” — her allegation that she and her infant were abandoned by her unloving parents — through the examination and comparison of her ever-changing accounts of those years, as well as private correspondence, first-hand testimony, and photographic evidence.
Directed by Michael Whiteacre, and featuring guest appearances by Samantha Phillips and adult performer Alana Evans
I thought you & Ari were the worst people on the planet Sean, But then I came across Nica N, What a dumb bitch
Episode 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol0IKeWPIvQ
Episode 2: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xha7fc_the-devil-and-shelley-lubben-episode-2-extended_shortfilms
Episode 3: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xrreih_the-devil-and-shelley-lubben-episode-3-exodus_shortfilms
This is a really good one. It’s obvious why Shelly can treat porn stars so bad, once you see what’s she’s willing to do to her own family!
BTW, is there a way to change my icon, so I don’t always get the frown face, I’m actually a really happy person, lol 🙂
Carrie, the default avatars are generated by your email address. if you want one of your choosing, go to gravatar.com and register your email and avatar. it’s a free service, and your avatar will follow you around the net wherever you comment, if you use the same email address [and the site has gravatar enabled]. 🙂