Kandace Kayne’s Twitter Account Run By Plush Owner Scott Ohanian

Apr 13, 2016
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This dude never ceases to amazes me.  A few days ago him and I had what I thought was a group DM on twitter that included some of his models about a fan/recruiter who had apparently contacted the family of a performer and went as far as to even share a scene with them.. The girl wasn’t outed the time and her family had NO IDEA.. This is a horrible thing and while I was collecting facts, Kelli at LIB wrote it up.

This morning Scott contacted me via twitter to ask me about removing lies on my site about him. The stories are tweets made by others, and because he says they’re lies I should remove them..Of course we all know Scott is the most honest guy in the world and everyone loves him. He also seemed put off by the fact I never wrote the story about the fan. News flash Scott, I don’t rewrite a story unless I can add new information or point out untruths in the original writing.

I responded to Scott’s DMs using the SAT word ‘Ironic’. Kelli has made several mistakes in her defense of Scott, most notably the post about the $50,000 judgement that Scott told me wasn’t true.  So my question was why hadn’t Scott had Kelli remove the obvious lies written about others. This quickly escalated to him being a tough guy and how I’ve finally met my match..

The interesting thing about all this was towards the end Scott forgot what Twitter account he was using and started DMing from Kandace Kayne’s Twitter.

Lets be clear about something, Agents that control models twitters typically do it to keep the model from trashing them publicly.. You don’t see Spiegler, LA Direct, VIP, or OC doing that.  Scumbag agents like Scott or Kevin do it out of fear of bad publicity..As we’ve seen in the past, tweets made by talent are deleted, the girl leaves Scott or Kevin, but if the girls doesn’t revoke app access her twitter is still accessible by others..

Any fan talking dirty with that account in DMs might be talking to a man, not that there is anything wrong with that. 🙂

Scott still isn’t licensed, his number, as of yesterday still isn’t valid..So, in the spirit of honesty, Scott, send me your lic so I can correct this egregious error.. In the end I really don’t care who Scott scams, how many times he tells a girl the production check bounced or whether he disguises privates as shoots.



Kandace_Kayne_(@kandacekaynexxx)_Twitter_-_2016-04-13_09.08.56 Kandace_Kayne_(@kandacekaynexxx)_Twitter_-_2016-04-13_09.09.15



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