A controversial website encourages heart-broken women to publicly name and shame the ‘home wreckers’ who led their husbands or boyfriends to cheat.
Shesahomewrecker.com lists over 500 ‘mistresses’ from across the U.S. with their name, location and photograph on full view. Profiles also include the ‘juicy details’ surrounding each affair.
For example, one entry features a photograph of an Iowa-based woman – described as a ‘home wrecking s***’ – cuddled up to a user’s husband. An accompanying description reads: ‘She will never have his heart like I did. EVER. I will love that man until the day I die.
The cheated-on woman continues: ‘I just wish home wreckers like her would think about their “boyfriends” families before themselves.
‘Thanks to her, my daughter only sees her daddy every other weekend and my oldest daughter does not see him anymore.’
Another photo, exposing a ‘home wrecker’ in Georgia, features the caption: ‘What is really to say? A pathetic excuse for a female. Knowingly, continuing to try and bed a man that is taken.’
Meanwhile, a mother-of-two writes about how her ‘perfect marriage’ was ruined because her husband decided to join a gym, where he met another woman.
‘Little by little he became more distant and changed so much. The gym made him a different person,’ she recalls.
So far, the state with the highest number of reported ‘home wreckers’ on the website is Texas, with 168 cases, followed by California with 152, while Vermont has only one entry and Alaska two.
The majority of women appear to have found out about their partners’ affairs after checking cell phones, email and social networking accounts such as Facebook and Instagram.
While Shesahomewrecker.com has a firm fan base, attracting almost 250,000 Facebook ‘Likes’ since its launch last year, critics have deemed it ‘mean-spirited’, ‘horrific’ and ‘disgusting’.
Indeed, a woman named ‘Daisy’ writes on the site: ‘What a horrific website this is! I am amazed it hasn’t been reported and taken down yet.
‘If someone located and physically harmed one of the women whose photos you post up here, would you accept responsibility?
‘The hatred, fury and violent comments on this site are appalling, and you should be ashamed that you are practically inciting hatred and violence by publishing these photos.
‘I am not a home wrecker (my God what a 1950s term). In fact, my husband left me for someone else but you know what? Yes I was heartbroken but after a good deal of soul searching I understood that I had contributed to the failure of the marriage as much as he had.
‘It would never occur to me in a million years to post her picture and details online because grown-up adults don’t need to resort to the online bullying tactics of hormonal 13-year old girls.’

So far, the state with the highest number of reported ‘home wreckers’ on the website is Texas, with 168 cases, followed by California with 152, while Vermont has only one entry and Alaska two.
And a Change.org petition launched in summer requested for the site to be ‘dismantled.’
An accompanying statement read: ‘Women are being harassed, slander is occurring and lives are being ruined due to the cyber bullying taking place on this site.’
However, with only 66 signatures the Baltimore-based site, set up by a woman named Ariella Alexander, continues to operate and a spinoff, called Hesahomewrecker.com, is set to launch this month.
‘Now taking submissions for the cheating MAN that broke your heart!!! Hesahomewrecker.com will be launching in a few days!! Get your story in now!!!’ an announcement reads on the website.
This news will satisfy those who have criticized Shesahomewrecker.com for laying the blame on women instead of ‘cheating men’.
‘At the end of the day, the main complaint should be with the partner who cheated, not the person he or she cheated with,’ one women mused on Jezebel.com.