Warning to the young gay men: Death of a porn star

Apr 6, 2012
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Relationships are supposed to be epic experiences that two people share for whatever little time allowed on this planet. There are those however that will take this great fulfilling journey and twist it to fit their own base ends.

This is a warning to the young gay men in Atlanta that feels unloved. Do not fall into the trap that so many of our peers could not avoid.

As we all know global sex trafficking has become a enormous illegal money making business in recent years and there are a few individuals that have turned Atlanta into a port of call for this heinous activity.

What is worse there are those persons that prey on young gay men (some being minors) with insatiable needs to be loved. These men only see dollar signs at the expense of the lives of these young gay men.

Make no mistake there are some that choose to be a part of this lifestyle but there are some unknowingly tricked into this life by men of power through lies of love, illusions of father figures and by the most popular means promise of relationships.

Look at what happened to Sean Moss. A lot of you may not recognize this name. How about the name Joshua Berlin? Both of these men are one in the same. Sean Moss (a.k.a. Joshua Berlin) was a porn star. He modeled for different web sites such as Bad Puppy and Freshman.

Whatever name you want to call him his body still turned up dead January 26th 2011 in the Platt River in Arapahoe County near Denver CO and the murder still goes unsolved to this day. When the autopsy was done heavy concentrations of meth and GHB was found in his system.

Though it is a tragic story you will never hear about it. Pat Sullivan, a name every person in the GLBT community should know, was finally put in front of a judge and sentenced to a month in jail and two years probation in association with a meth for sex scandal in his small town.

On November 29th 2011 Pat Sullivan was arrested and charged with possession of meth adjacent to an investigation of a “meth for sex” ring that had been going on for many years. Nobody brought up the fact it was Sean Moss’s death that made the investigators have a more scrutinizing eye into the activities of Pat Sullivan.

Pat Sullivan is the same man who was the former Sheriff of Arapahoe County, appointed to federal drug task forces underneath the Clinton administration and was a cyber-terrorism expert. In other words he is a man of power.

He abused his power by tricking everyone. He would tell the parent’s of these young men that he was “helping them get off meth”. What he was really doing was visiting these boys in a house and feeding their addiction to feed his own habit of control.

Pat Sullivan and Sean Moss had a misguided relationship. He had control over this young man through his ability to feed Sean Moss’s heavy drug addiction. Pat Sullivan bailed out Sean Moss after he was thrown in jail by his boyfriend for domestic disputes. Also he helped Sean Moss get a job at a local high school which he worked only thirteen days before his body was found in the river.

Obviously Pat Sullivan used his power to subjugate this young man in a jail that his chemical filled senses could not see, taste or touch. At the end Sean Moss was a boy looking for love in every wrong place and nobody was there to look out for him.

Tomorrow we talk about why so many young gay men fall for these so called father figures and the promise of a loving relationship that will never be.

Source. Examiner

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