DC Comics plans to reintroduce a character as gay in a future issue, it has been revealed.
Co-publisher Dan DiDio previously said that the company would not change the sexual orientation of an existing superhero and would bring in a new one altogether.

Who is it? An existing DC Comics character - who was previously assumed to be straight, will come out in June.
But at Kapow Comic Convention in London on Sunday, he revealed that an existing character – who was previously assumed to be straight – will become ‘one of our most prominent gay characters’, according to comic blog BleedingCool.com.
Senior VP Sales Bob Wayne said DiDio’s view ‘had evolved’, comparing the shift to Barack Obama’s recent endorsement of same-sex marriage.
DiDio did not specify which character would ‘come out’ or in which issue it would be featured.
But Courtney Simmons, DC Entertainment’s senior vice president of publicity, told ABC News that it would be soon.
‘One of the major iconic DC characters will reveal that he is gay in a storyline in June,’ Simmons told the network.
There has been much speculation on Twitter about who the character could be
@JenWhy12 Tweeted: ‘One of the characters of DC comics will be gay, what one will it be? I hope it’s Batman.’
@dnghia added: ‘DC Comics is about to unveil that one of its supeheroes is gay. Who do you think it is? My money is on Aquaman.’
DC Comics’ portfolio includes iconic characters such as Batman and Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern.
Batwoman, a DC favourite, made her comic book comeback as a lesbian in 2006.
Source: MailOnline
I was thinking Flash, since crystal Meth is a staple of the gay party scene, but Aqua Man is a viable candidate. Plus it would make for some good internet memes using Vinnie Chase.
My money’s on Batman — the bachelor who lives with his loyal manservant and his “ward” Dick Grayson.
I don’t think it will make a difference. There have been characters all over TV that are obviously gay. Spongebob and Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants) come to mind offhand as gay lovers. The Tellatubbies were also supposedly (if less obviously) gay. Going back in history the two main characters in The Odd Couple were also obviously gay lovers as well. Since there are gay characters on TV already introducing gay characters to comics won’t be pushing the envelope too far.
Gayness Abounds
Marvel Comics is having a gay wedding this summer: Wedding bells will ring this summer for Marvel Comics’ first openly gay hero, super speedster Northstar, and his longtime boyfriend.
Check out the full article here
In other gay news, a gay penguin couple, known as Inca and Rayas, are going to be given an egg to care for this year. They build a nest every year, but never have an egg for it. Read about it here.