AB 1576 Moves Out of Arts & Entertainment Committee; Jimmy Gomez (D – Los Angeles) Deciding Vote

Apr 29, 2014
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AB 1576 Moves out of Arts & Entertainment Committee 4 - 3; Gomez (D - Los Angeles) deciding vote

In a closed door meeting, Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez, who was not present to hear today’s testimony, cast the 4th vote to move AB 1576 out of the assembly’s Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism & Internet Media Committee.

AB 1576 Moves out of Arts & Entertainment Committee 4 - 3; Gomez (D - Los Angeles) deciding vote

Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez, a Democrat representing east Los Angeles

Los Angeles voters will remember.

At the initial vote, Assemblymembers Ian Calderon, Marie Waldron and Richard Bloom voted in favor of the bill.

Republican Assemblymember Scott Wilk voted against the bill and Democrat Cheryl Brown abstained.

In disregard of the will of hundreds of adult performers — the group the bill purports to help — as revealed by signed petitions and a standing room only committee room, AB 1576 now moves on to the California assembly’s Appropriations Committee…

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[…] Post AB 1576 Moves out of Arts & Entertainment Committee 4 – 3; Gomez deciding vote appeared first on […]

Anthony Kennerson
10 years ago

What did I say about the squeaky wheel getting the AHF grease??

It does look like this bill will meet its end, though, when it hits the Appropriations Committee, thanks to Assemblyman Gallo.


[…] moved to a closed session, where it finally passed after district 51 assembly member Jimmy Gomez voted in favor. The bill will now move to the Approppriations committee before arriving at the full […]

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
10 years ago

The whole campaign against this bill has been yet another study in political ineptitude. I’m amazed it’s gotten this far. I agree that it will have tougher sledding in Appropriations and I’m still quite sure it can’t ever come to a floor vote, but because it got further this time than last, we can count on future attempts by other political showboats to jam something similar down our throats.

Even a bad team can score when the other side doesn’t even take the field.


[…] In news too appalling to really focus on, I give you this text from TRPWL: […]


[…] April 29, 2014, AB 1576 passed through the California Assembly’s Arts & Entertainment Committee. Presented by its supporters as a condom bill to help protect adult industry performers, the poorly […]


[…] AB 1576 Moves Out of Arts & Entertainment Committee; Jimmy Gomez (D – Los Angeles) Decidi… […]

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