AHF Buys Itself Some New Spokesvictims UPDATED W/Pics

Sep 18, 2013
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Today, HIV+ escort and performer Cameron Adams aka Cameron Bay, and her boyfriend, porn model and escort Rod Daily, (a.k.a. HIV+ performers # 1 & 2) participated in a AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) press conference.

Rod Daily and Cameron Bay -- AHF Buys Itself Some New Spokesvictims

Rod Daily and Cameron Bay

Joining by teleconference was an unidentified male (“John Doe”) who claimed he’s been in the business for two years and tested HIV positive at some point (he would not provide details of when he was infected or diagnosed outside of claiming it was within the last six months).

According to AHF spokesman Ged Kenslea, the allegedly HIV + “John Doe” worked in gay and straight productions, but he provided no further details. Notably absent was any evidence that “Doe” had become infected on an adult set that relied on PASS (or any) testing protocols.

Weinstein & Cameron

AHF also added a bonus “5th HIV+ performer”: Patrick Stone. Stone, who says he may be a false positive, is a gay porn model who has shot “on and off” since 2010, and often shoots bareback scenes. He has shot for Kink.com, and says Kink had requested to book him for a shoot, “outside of” the moratorium.

Patrick Stone

Patrick Stone

Was this a gay shoot, a straight shoot, a BDSM shoot — Stone did not specify. Gay porn production does not universally rely on testing. And yes, per Cal-OSHA regulations, Stone would be allowed to shoot — HIV + or not — as long as he uses a condom. That’s not a Kink.com rule, that’s a gay porn custom. Furthermore, neither Stone nor AHF provided any basis to believe that Kink knew Stone’s alleged status when it requested to book him a week or more in advance of the scheduled shoot date.

But AHF, counting on media ignorance, played all this for shock value.

Cameron Weinstein & Daily

Cameron Bay thanked the adult industry for the support and donations, but joined Rod in praising AHF. AHF has paid for Cameron and Rod’s AIDS medications.

Cameron also stated she was “touched inappropriately” during her July 31st Kink shoot, and that a male performer “cut the tip of his penis” and bled yet continued to work without a condom. Cameron now says she didn’t know how unsafe it was until she saw the photos and video after the fact because “it all happened so fast.”

However, a source who was present in San Francisco tells TRPWL “the choice to continue shooting was up to EVERYONE, including her. Seems like she’s trying to pin her poor decisions on others.”

Rod Daily dutifully spoke the AHF party line — AHF doesn’t wasn’t to shut down porn, they only want to help performers, the “adult industry” is greedy, etc. etc.

Daily, the HIV + condom advocate, also claimed that, despite having tested regularly with APHSS/PASS from December of last year up until July, the reason he refused to test at CET or TTS for his latest (positive) test was because he didn’t want his test results to end up being “leaked.”

This is a rather odd and self-serving position for Daily to take, considering that, in the wake of Cameron’s positive test, he posted his own tests up through July 10 with his personal details UNREDACTED, publicly ANNOUNCED that he too would test and post his results online…and did later reveal himself to be HIV + performer #2 on Twitter.

Several more likely theories have been floated for Daily’s avoidance of PASS testing after July, which, incidentally, is when Hep C testing became required.

Daily also indicated he’s amazed that he contracted HIV because, he claims, he always used condoms:

“This is just crazy to me, because I know in my lifestyle, I haven’t changed anything up in over eight years. I’ve used condoms; I’ve shot with people that are positive, I know for sure. There are positive people on the gay side, but like I said, since 2005, that’s eight years, I’ve shot with at least 12 people who are HIV positive, used condoms, and never been HIV positive. So if anything, I know for a fact that condoms do work and if anything, I was a guinea pig for that myself, and I know that 100 percent condoms—condoms work.”

See what they’re doing there?

Because AHF has put forward a condom-only performer who contracted HIV as proof that using condoms will keep adult performers safe from HIV, the implication that he and AHF must leave is that he contracted HIV from Cameron — who must have contracted it in the dirty non-condom porn business.

Even though none of her scenes partners are HIV positive.


Gossip blogger and amateur pornographer Mike South is now using the sensationalistic headline “FIVE performers now identified in latest HIV outbreak” This is typical Mike South, in that it is 1) inaccurate, 2) stupid, and 3) kisses AHF’s ass.

“Identified” by whom? By AHF? The people that told us Rentboy Derrick Burts was an all-American straight kid with a beautiful blonde girlfriend who was lured into having sex with men by the evil, greedy porn industry?

More importantly, for these HIV cases to constitute an “outbreak” of five, they would have to be RELATED in time, place and circumstances. We have no information that leads anyone to believe there is ANY connection between Rod Daily/Cameron Bay/Performer #3 and the two men who came forward today under the auspices of AHF. One of these men claims he may be a false positive, and we don’t even know WHEN these two men first tested positive for HIV. We also don’t even know where “John Doe” is, or with whom he worked, or when.

Read More On This Topic

Would Cameron Bay Lie? – Fallout From Today’s AHF Press Conference –

Kink.com’s Acworth Issues Statement on AHF Press Conference

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11 years ago

Wonder what they were offered? Lifetime treatment drugs? Subsidies for treatment? Money?

Anthony Kennerson
11 years ago

My guess is that AHF simply offered to pay for their medication and treatment. Or, they were paid from the very beginning and this was a deliberate plant.

I figured that AHF would attempt to invent another crisis. I didn’t think they would act so quickly.

Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

Cameron doesn’t only need money for doctors; she has a slew of criminal charges, too. This is Derrick Burts redux.

11 years ago

AHF over paid if they offered to cover HIV meds. An 8 ball of meth and a couple clean needles would have sufficed.

If they are going to use a Mystery Poz, then I offer my services to the porn industry to be used as a mystery person cured of AIDS by chronic masturbation.

Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

Kink’s Peter Acworth responded to some of these charges today. http://therealpornwikileaks.com/kink-coms-acworth-issues-statement-on-ahf-press-conference/ Of particular note is his clarification of Patrick Stone’s claims regarding his booking: “Patrick Stone’s booking confirmation with us was tentative because we did not yet know his status; in order to shoot with Kink he would have had to retest clean. Anything else is either a misunderstanding or a misrepresentation.” Acworth also noted that “[Weinstein] and AHF continue to push for mandatory condoms. However, four out of the six performers who spoke today already worked on condom mandatory sets. All but Darren James, who tested positive in 2004,… Read more »

11 years ago

Michael, Lol, you make it seem like I am some HORRIBLE criminal. What a joke! I dont have a SINGLE felony on my record. I have a wet and reckless for blowing a .09 back in 2010 on St. Patties Day. I had a bench warrant for unpaid fines in Orange County for that. I had a Disturbing the Peace misdemeanor that happened in Los Angeles after attending a porn party in Hollywood and having a big argument out in the middle of the street with my girlfriend at the time. She was trying to drive the car home drunk… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  Derrick

So you had 2 active STDs and one of the other gays on set had HIV. The issue doesn’t seem to be condoms then, but testing on the gay side.


[…] I offered some commentary on AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s latest victimfest “press event”  and took porn gossip blogger Mike South to task for his sensationalism, inaccuracy, and […]


[…] Stone is the man who, after receiving a false positive HIV test result, appeared at a September 18 AHF press conference with Cameron Bay & Rod Daily. […]


[…] As for the matter of whether the director kept shooting filming after Bay’s partner, performer Xander Corvus was discovered to be bleeding, sources who present at the shoot in San Francisco have confirmed to TRPWL that shooting halted, and Rod Daily was set to step in and complete the scene in Corvus’ stead, but Bay chose to continue shooting. One witness stated, “the choice to continue shooting was up to EVERYONE, including her. Seems like she’s trying to pin her poor decisions on others.” […]


[…] the guy who appeared at an AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) press conference alongside Cameron Bay, Rod Daily, Derrick Burts and Darren James on September 18th of last […]


[…] AHF Buys Itself Some New Spokesvictims UPDATED W/Pics Kink.com’s Acworth Issues Statement on AHF Press Conference […]


[…] you may recall, Patrick Stone is the guy who appeared at an AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) press conference alongside Cameron Bay, Rod Daily, Derrick Burts and Darren James on September 18, 2013, to attack […]


[…] “statements [he] made publicly”, Stone is referring to a widely publicized AIDS Healthcare Foundation press conference alongside Cameron Bay, Rod Daily, Derrick Burts and Darren James on September 18th of last […]

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