The Case Against Sex Trafficking Fraud And Convicted Swindler Chong Kim

Jun 16, 2014
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The Case Against Sex Trafficking Fraud And Convicted Swindler Chong Kim

Breaking Out started this investigation into Chong Kim because we had questions that arose during the time and immediately following that Chong Kim showed interest in assisting Breaking Out, and wanted to be part of our organization.

After talking to Ms. Kim over several years, the many contradictions and inconsistencies we noted became too much for us to ignore.

We examined her background as we do with all our staff, and discovered a criminal charge (see #3), then we began compiling all the inconsistencies Ms. Kim made during interviews, appearances, and by her own written words, and compiled a record of these statements. Below is a short list highlighting some of the questions raised by the record that we have compiled.

We encourage everyone to search YouTube and watch Ms. Kim’s statements made during the Montel Williams interview and draw your own conclusions. Read her book “Broken Silence.”

We did not include personal texts and emails from Chong Kim to Breaking Out and or fellow colleagues in other anti-trafficking organizations naming politicians as traffickers and “A” list actors she claimed were regular “Johns” while she was captive.

Breaking Out has received a Cease and Desist Letter from Chong Kim’s attorney. Due to the fact that the below information come from either public records and or statements directly made by Chong Kong we are comfortable releasing the information contained in this statement.

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1. How did you escape and when?

In an article she states: While out on an errand by herself….she started running….and never stopped.


Clues that could indicate human trafficking where you live

Posted: Sep 24, 2012 9:36 AM EDT

Updated: Sep 24, 2012 9:36 AM EDT

By Kristin Kane, Reporter

In her book: Pg. 159- In the late December of 1996, I made my escape through the vent, I was so scared.

In an article it states: She escaped in 1997 after two horrific years of being trafficked in both the US and Mexico.



Posted on April 27, 2013 by j.r.bouchard

In another article Chong Kim states:

KIM: 1995 through 1997. And I ranked up as a madam in 1996.


Aired December 26, 2013 – 15:30 ET

BECKY ANDERSON, HOST: Tonight, we devote this special edition of CONNECT THE WORLD to CNN’s Freedom Project

In an article it states:

The next four years she planned to work on a degree, was spent as a sex slave.


Victim Speaks Out Against Human Trafficking. Updated: Fri 1:18 AM, Nov 16, 2012 By: Rashi- Vats

On Chong Kim’s blog it states:

I was involved in trafficking for more than six months up to 2 and half years.


Chong N. Kim

Monday, October 23, 2006 at 5:10PM

2. When did you come to the US with your family?

On your blog it states:

Hello, my name is Chong Kim. I am an Asian-Spanish American, thirty-one years of age and have been residing in the United States for nearly 22 years.


Chong N. Kim

Monday, October 23, 2006 at 5:10PM

In your book it states:

Pg. 23- My family and I migrated here approximately in the spring of ’77

3. Have you ever been arrested?

According to her book:

Pg. 135- I had less likely to get busted or raided on, because one of the head traffickers worked as a US Marshal, through witness protection and also had inner connections with the Vice Team in NV, CA, NY and FL.

*Public record in MN shows Chong Kim was indeed arrested and pled guilty in 2009 for a felony charge of theft by swindle. According to court records Ms Kim “swindled” over $15,000 from another Human Trafficking Victim from Japan. Refer to Ramsey District court case number : 06166722

MN 1 - The Case Against Sex Trafficking Fraud And Convicted Swindler Chong Kim MN 2 MN 3

A. Pay restitution, To victim-xxxxxxxxx $15,246.92

05/07/2009, Active 05/07/2009

B. Follow all instructions of probation, 05/07/2009, Active


C. Remain law-abiding, 05/07/2009, Active 05/07/2009

D. Psychological evaluation/treatment, 05/07/2009, Active


E. Psychiatric evaluation/treatment, 05/07/2009, Active


F. Supply DNA sample, 05/07/2009, Active 05/07/2009

G. No contact with victim(s), 05/07/2009, Active 05/07/2009

H. Sign all releases of information, 05/07/2009, Active


I. No misdemeanor violations, or greater violations.

05/07/2009, Active 05/07/2009

Service – Adult:

Type: Community work service

300 Hours For Indeterminate

Start: 05/07/2009

Status: Active 05/07/2009

4. How did you acquire your ‘injuries’?

In your book it states:

Pg. 29- In the Korean culture I couldn’t speak Korean anymore so I was automatically at fault, being a disabled child I was already an outcast. My mother was ashamed of my disability and she refuse to be seen in public with me.

Pg. 30- I eventually got tired of the constant surgeries that doctors were so amazed by, since my condition was a rare circumstance.

Pg. 97- My other fear was my physical mobility, I felt completely helpless and didn’t know what to do, even if I ran I knew I wouldn’t get very far with my limp.

In an interview:

I wore the same lens from 1995-97 and I could have become blind because of that, or my vision could have grown worse. I didn’t think about vision care as a health concern until in 2011, when I was diagnosed with blepharospasm, or constant blinking.


Managing Editor: David H. Nguyen, Ph.D. Volume 2, Issue 2, Winter 2013


5. How did meet your trafficker and when?

According to book:

Pg 94- Dallas, TX. In my second year of college, I was romanced by a con. A man that was in military attire, after dating for a few weeks.

According to blog-

In 1995, I fell in love with a military man, who persuaded me to move with him to an undisclosed remote area.


Broken Silence by lilazngrl75, Age 31-40, Female, bloomington, Minnesota, United States. May 13, 2007

According to an interview:

She was an 18 year old freshman at DeVry University in Dallas. One night at a club she met, who she thought, was the man of her dreams. “Here comes this guy who is wearing a Marine outfit, and I was like oh my God. My girlfriends were like he is checking you out,” said Kim.

She found out her ‘boyfriend’ was really a recruiter. He was talking to traffickers from the Russian and Albanian mob.


Victim Speaks Out Against Human Trafficking. Updated: Fri 1:18 AM, Nov 16, 2012 By: Rashi- Vats

According to another article:

She was recruited into sex slavery in 1994 by the person she believed to be her boyfriend.

After just two months of dating, he drove her to an abandoned house in Oklahoma telling her that he needed to help a homeless friend


Eden: a sex slave’s story

Written by investik8

July 17, 2013 at 10:32 am

6. Who were your traffickers your ‘boyfriend’ or escort madam?

According to her book:

Pg 97- A Madame of an Escort Service, she offered to help me find refuge, shelter, and food by sending me to Vegas for a legitimate job. Eventually, the female pimp who recruited me sent me to these gentlemen, who worked in Nevada where my experience in Human Trafficking began.

According to various articles:

He chained her up in the basement and burned her passport and documents. There, she was raped and tortured before she was transported to the warehouse somewhere in an Indian reservation in Nevada.


Eden: a sex slave’s story

Written by investik8

July 17, 2013 at 10:32 am

“From that point, I was beaten. I was raped. I was held hostage,” Kim said. “Then I got sent to Nevada, where we were held in a storage container. That’s where the trafficking started.”


Bobby Ross Jr. | Christian Chronicle

July 2014

From modern-day slave to slave for Christ

She found out her ‘boyfriend’ was really a recruiter. He was talking to traffickers from the Russian and Albanian mob.


Victim Speaks Out Against Human Trafficking. Updated: Fri 1:18 AM, Nov 16, 2012 By: Rashi- Vats

“I was held as a prisoner in an abandoned home and then transported to a distribution warehouse in Nevada and from there the traffickers would control me and other girls, 25-50 in each unit, transported through warehouse trucks,” said Chong.


Posted: Sep 24, 2012 9:36 AM EDT

Updated: Sep 24, 2012 9:36 AM EDT

Clues that could indicate human trafficking where you live

By Kristin Kane, Reporter


Today, Christina Parreira tweeted Bamboo Bridges, the “anti-trafficking” non-profit in Las Vegas that promoted Chong Kim and organized a screening of the film, Eden, which is based on Chong Kim’s false story of being sex-trafficked in Nevada.

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Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
10 years ago

Human misery is good business if you’re a lying swindler. Just ask Shelley Lubben.


[…] presented a catalog of the many inconsistencies in Kim’s story, including her omission of the fact that she was convicted of fraud in […]


[…] The demand for answers from recently outed fraud/professional victim Chong Kim and the organizations associated with her has given way to this: in a new press release, Kim refuses to specifically address any of the recent revelations and charges made against her. […]


[…] film’s producers make it clear that Eden is based on a true story. That story, however, has recently been called into question, and some activists claim that Eden may be based on an outright […] - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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