Chong Kim Press Statement Includes No Answers, Uses the Word ‘Victim’ 11 Times

Jun 28, 2014
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Chong Kim Press Statement Includes No Answers, Uses the Word 'Victim' 11 Times

The demand for answers from recently outed fraud/professional victim Chong Kim and the organizations associated with her has given way to this: in a new press release, Kim refuses to specifically address any of the recent revelations and charges made against her.

Instead, the 390-word statement uses the word “victim” 11 times.

The Case Against Sex Trafficking Fraud And Convicted Swindler Chong Kim

Chong Kim

Wrapping herself in the flag of ‘trafficking victim turned activist’, Kim’s press release may become the new standard in both professional victimhood and self-aggrandizement.

Chong Kim, former human sex trafficking victim is victimized again

Chong Kim is an Asian American survivor of human trafficking and a victim of child sex exploitation in the US. Unfortunately, once again. Kim is being victimized, this time by an organization that she once trusted and partnered with. Now Kim is the target of a smear campaign. Site has recently been unfairly defamed and slandered by an organization called Breaking Out. The Breaking Out website says that they identify, investigate and rescue victims of human trafficking. While this seems like it would have been a match made it heaven, something has gone awry.

Since legal action is pending, Kim and her team will not at this time address the defamatory attacks and the possible motivations for these unwarranted attacks by the organization; its founder, James Barnes; and other associated individuals. Chong Kim firmly denies the allegations and knows that the real truth will prevail.

She is working with pro bono legal counsel and a team of related professionals to clear her name so she can continue to advocate for victim’s rights and cyber-bulling. As a dedicated human and civil rights advocate, she wants to keep others from blaming the victims of these unspeakable horrors.

About Chong Kim:

Chong Kim is an Asian American survivor of human trafficking and child sex exploitation in the United States. Kim is a dedicated human and civil rights advocate and public speaker. She was recently promoted as an Advisory Board of ECPATNY along with other prestigious organizations globally, she works alongside those who are striving t0 end slavery and injustice and empower victims and survivors. In 2011, she received a recognition award from the LAPD of California for her hard work collaborating with the law enforcement and educating the public on trafficking issues. In 2006. she received an award from the National Campaign For Tolerance and her name is memorialized on the Wall of Tolerance in Montgomery, AL.

Chong Kim has traveled extensively to promote awareness of the diverse victims affected by human trafficking. She has been working incessantly to establish political change regarding victim base offenders of trafficking, medical research for trafficked victims and to give amnesty to those who contribute to legal cases. She recounts her own harrowing experience in the film Eden, starring Jamie Chung, Beau Bridges, and Matt O’Leary.

Okay, well that statement tells us absolutely nothing beyond that which we already knew. No mention of her 2009 conviction for Theft by Swindle —

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According to court records Ms. Kim swindled over $15,000 from a Human Trafficking Victim from Japan

Chong Kim needs an entire “team” of people to clear her name? How about providing a single shred of proof of any of her claims?

Kim’s statement, however, it’s more than organizations such as Bamboo Bridges have provided, which isn’t saying muchBamboo Bridges, a small anti-trafficking nonprofit group in Las Vegas, hosted the event with Chong Kim at UNLV on February 21, 2014.

Bamboo Bridges board member Dr. Kathleen Bergquist (a UNLV professor who teaches a human trafficking class in the School of Social Work) also hosted “signature fundraiser” An Evening with Eden, with a mere $100 entrance fee, on February 22, 2014.


Bamboo Bridges used to have a photo advertising the event on its Twitter page, but that photo is now gone.

Also, while Dr. Bergquist has been listed on the Bamboo Bridges website as a board member and corporate officer since at least 2011…

BBridges 2011-06

…she dropped out of the organization a couple of months ago – shortly after the Chong Kim fundraiser.

BBridges 2014-07

Now that Breaking Out, another anti-trafficking organization, has put forth evidence of fraud and deceit by Chong Kim, does Bamboo Bridges have comment? I tried to find out, but when I did so, I was blocked.

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With the aid of documents recently obtained from the states of Nevada and Washington, our search for answers continues…

Christina Parreira

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Jody Williams
Jody Williams
10 years ago

Bamboo Bridges – oh the group that advertises that it helps Asian trafficking victims because of the cultural differences? Oh yeah right that one. You mean the one where I tried to contact them for help with victim of the trafficking ring that has had arrests in Kansas in 2009 and then again about a few weeks ago? You mean where I’m having trouble understanding the women because they speak Mandarin so I contacted them to see if they could locate me a translator to help these women talk to me? Oh yeah – that one. The one who wouldn’t… Read more »

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
10 years ago

I’d expect no better. This kind of charity fraud focuses public attention on their sensationalized narratives and false claims to no scrutiny falls on them.

I have a real problem with bogus charity organizations. They soak up resources and distort the truth about the issues they claim to address. Periodic scandals of this kind undercut the credibility of those actually doing valuable work.

Jody Williams
Jody Williams
10 years ago

I have double checked and there Is NO “legal action pending” with respect to Chong Kim. So guess what? She lied in her press release. - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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