Dark Side Of Beauty Pageant Life

Apr 17, 2012
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The ugliness of the beauty industry hides easily beneath sequins and foundation – but Amy Willerton experienced the darker side of pageant life during a trip to Korea.

Jordan’s protegee, who won Signed by Katie Price last year, was sent abroad to represent Great Britain in a competition, but was propositioned by men bribing her for sex in exchange for prizes.

The Bristolian said implied girls that did cave into the pressures were rewarded with winning titles.

Amy Willerton gives her best wistful look in sequin frock during OK! shoot

Amy said: ‘Guys would come up and say, “I know what I can do for you, but what can you do for me?”

‘The judges were businessmen in their forties. One of them tried to pull my top down and afterwards he said: “If you don’t sleep with me, I’m going to tell them and you won’t win.”‘

Unfortunately, the event was organized by ‘dangerous people’ who barely fed the girls and ran the competition illegally after trading under the name of an established pageant – who later sued them.

While Amy was cautious to accuse fellow contestants of sleeping their way to the top, she did say girls would ‘disappear’ for days on end and on their return they would win prizes.

She said: ‘The worst was when we had a talent day and Miss Venezuela won – and she didn’t even enter the talent round!’

It was at this stage that Amy and two fellow female friends tried to fly home, but the men intervened.

Fortunately Amy escaped in a taxi, but the other girls were whisked off in a van and their luggage was stolen before they were eventually released by the crooks.

Amy added: ‘I tried to sue them through a lawyer, but I was told I’d have to go through the courts in South Korea. I thought, “I just can’t face that.”‘

Source: Daily Mail

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