Interview Jordan Owen for Reason magazine or Reason TV

Feb 8, 2013
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As long as he doesn’t do this interview in the bathtub im all for this…Please read:


Target: Reason Magazine Editor in Chief Matt Welch
Sponsored by: Jordan Owen

We the undersigned feel that author, blogger, musician and activist Jordan Owen should appear on Reason TV or in their print edition. Reason has always been at the forefront of professional sex work, pornography and sexual freedom from supporting John Stagliano in his fight against obscenity charges to more recent interviews with authors like Erick Berkowitz and Phil Harvey and now it is time that they feature Jordan Owen and spread his libertarian philosophy on pornography and sex work to the kindred spirits in their audience.

Jordan Owen is the author of the novel Eros Empire (2012, BearManor Fiction) and a prominent advocate for the porn industry and creator of a new philosophical system designed specifically to advocate why pornography is the morally and intellectually correct expression of sexual freedom.

In recent times, anti-porn crusaders like Gail Dines of Wheelock College, Boston and Dawn Hawkins of Morality in Media have made the cold, heartless and incorrect claim that BDSM and fetish pornography are actually torture that violates the United Nations Convention Against Torture ( a statement which is not only untrue but a heinous insult to persons who have actually suffered under international torture.

Because it is the role of public intellectuals to campaign and advocate for philosophical truth in the face of intellectual stagnation, we wish to see Jordan interviewed by Reason. Because these positions are being advocated by the same activists who successfully campaigned for the passage of Measure B and Prop 35 in California- both initiatives that restrict and further suppress the rights and personal liberties of sex workers- it is crucial that the next stage of their agenda be fought back against with new ideas and new cultural directions.


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