LA Direct’s response to FSC’s Diane Duke News

Nov 30, 2015
Adult Business News
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Direct Models is pleased to see today’s news via X Biz, on the stepping down of Diane Duke,

Rarely has there been such a divisive personality in the adult business, unelected, yet somehow self appointed as a testing Czar to the industry, among other self aggrandizing efforts and assumed roles by Ms Duke .

While the late (and great) Christian Mann a fellow director at FSC, was deservedly well known and highly respected for his ambassadorial and diplomatic abilities, seemingly able to find common ground amid the most resolute of persons on opposing side of many issues and challenges faced in our industry, – the same could not be said for Ms Duke (to say the least) and she has remained a polarizing figure throughout her tenure.

The decision to recommend a change in testing protocol in Sept 2013 from the standard thirty (30) day protocol (followed and self regulated by the industry for over as decade) to a fourteen (14) day protocol, without consultation with anyone involved in actual adult film production, including studios, talent and agents and with no mechanism whatsoever designed to pay for it – other than to saddle the talent themselves with a doubling of their monthly pre- employment medical testing cost, will forever be remembered as the actions of someone with little to no regard for talent in our industry.

Direct Models urges the board of directors at FSC to consider carefully the replacement for Ms Duke, and to keep foremost in its mind in such consideration, the core issues and underlying goal mission and purpose of the FSC and that its chosen appointee might be someone that could best serve that purpose, that the legacy of Ms Duke who did anything but, may be usurped for the better moving forward.

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