Mass breakout from Brazilian jail after female inmates in police costumes seduce wardens

Feb 8, 2015
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Twenty-eight inmates escaped from a Brazilian jail after three women in sexy police costumes ‘seduced’ the prison wardens.

Police found three wardens naked and handcuffed inside the morning after the mass breakout at Nova Mutum public jail near Cuiaba.

Investigators say the women drugged the guards with spiked whisky after convincing them to take part in an orgy.

They arrived at around 3am on Thursday morning and asked if they could come inside to ‘chat and drink’, police say.


The prison guards obliged and were soon persuaded to leave their posts, before heading to the sleeping quarters with the scantily clad women.

After drugging and handcuffing the wardens, they took their keys and unlocked all the prison’s cells according to police chief Angelina de Andrades Ferreira.

She told a news conference: ‘The plan was to seduce them. They served them cheap whisky with some substance to knock them out, then unlocked the central gate which accesses the internal cells

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