Mike South AKA “Tom South” Admits To Being Served For Defamation

Nov 28, 2016
Adult Business News
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Idiot Mike South..  After being served last week and pretending like it didn’t happen, AHF blogger Mike South aka Michal Strother blogged this morning about his imaginary tenant being the one served:

Rumors have been flying over the last few days that someone is suing me.  Skipping the boring details it’s true.  My renter was served  about a week ago and he forwarded the suit to me and I got it this morning after returning home from  spending Thanksgiving with family in Mississippi.

What?  A tenant?  If that’s true Mike South must be the worst landlord in all of Georgia.  Mike is assigned 2 parking spots:



Both of those shitty rides are in Mike South aka Michael Strother’s name.

Seems South is using up both of poor old Tom Souths parking spaces.. That bastard

LOL  This guy.. Truth is, South’s town home was watched being watched off and on for almost two and a half months. Not once did anyone other than Mike South appear. Not only that, all 3 process servers, as well as the sheriff, had photographs of South, some taken from his Souths own facebook. When South was finally approached, he denied being Michael Thomas Strother, he told the server his name was “Tom South.”

Maybe South’s imaginary tenant Tom South is related to his imaginary lawyer who is supposed to be suing me.

South may wanna read up on the civil code for his county.  Not sure if South is trying to say he wasn’t served, but,  lets all pop some LSD and pretend South is telling the truth. If what he claims happened, actually happened, under Georgia law, he’s been served…

And in true typical fashion, South ever the idiot, decides to dig a deeper hole:

It does put me in a bit of a conundrum in that in defending myself I am going to have to throw some people under the bus, I am not entirely comfortable talking about things in open court that would incriminate some of Dave’s closest friends and likely spark an investigation into illegal activities.

Sounds like he’s been watching to many TV shows..  LOL  Veiled threats from South aimed at certain people in an effort to squash the suit.. Won’t work fucktard..

I’m surprised he didn’t blame Manwin & FSC for being sued..

How awesome would it be if there’s a picture of South being sued? You know what would even be MORE awesome? If i posted the picture here, on the award winning blog, TRPWL…



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Joan S
Joan S
8 years ago

Long over due wouldn’t be surprised if this becomes the trend now. Several individuals sues Mike South.

I'm Tom South
I'm Tom South
8 years ago

His alias is as dumb as the shit he writes

No I'm Tom South
No I'm Tom South
8 years ago

Haha ? Tom South? Moron

Tom South, Dick and Harry
Tom South, Dick and Harry
8 years ago

CYRIL: Lying! I should have thought that our politicians kept up that habit. VIVIAN: I assure you that they do not. They never rise beyond the level of misrepresentation, and actually condescend to prove, to discuss, to argue. How different from the true liar, with his frank, fearless statements, his superb irresponsibility, his healthy, natural disdain of proof of any kind! After all, what is a fine lie? Simply that which is its own evidence. If a man is sufficiently unimaginative to produce evidence in support of a lie, he might just as well speak the truth at once. —Oscar… Read more »

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