Radar Online: AHF Claims 4th Porn-Related HIV Infection

Sep 9, 2013
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LOS ANGELES—Radar Online is claiming that AIDS Healthcare Foundation has identified a fourth HIV infected porn performer, but no specifics were provided by AHF president Michael Weinstein to Radar, which confirmed the case apparently based solely on his word.


“When pressed on the circumstances of the latest infection,” reported the site, “Weinstein refused to elaborate further: ‘I have nothing else to say about the performer.’

Radar in an earlier article published an insinuation by Weinstein that a fourth HIV case had been identified, but the vague reference has now morphed into a full-blown claim by AHF minus any details at all, except a reference to the performer’s gender.

I can confirm,” Weinstein told Radar. “However, he has asked that all other information be kept strictly confidential at this time.”

Radar added, “The organization would not release details on the porn performer, including any adult film company that employed him.” Neither was it clarified whether he worked at gay or straight studios.

AHF, of course, works primarily with the LGBT community, many of whose members test at AHF, which assists the community with obtaining HIV/AIDS medication at little or no cost. AHF has not yet released its own press release confirming the Radar claim.

This alleged fourth case comes on the immediate heels of a third case announced by PASS, and the implementation of a second production moratorium in as many months.


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