Bad news: Tiffany Fox has figured out how to use the “internet archive”.
This isn’t a joke, she’s figured it out:
Even worse, she also knows what “screenshotted”means:
So now Tiffany Fox is running amok online “screenshotting” the “internet archives” in an effort to destroy Las Vegas attorney Marc Randazza..
Tiffany, in between your “screenshotting and “internet archiving” tutorial you should have cued up the “how does the internet work” tutorial…
Tiffany, archives are created off whatever people put on the internet.
For instance, right now I’m typing “Tiffany Fox is dumb as dirt”. That statement will soon be part of the “internet archive”. Lol
As my good friend over at the number one blog once said, “consider the source”. Your internet archives were created by the same woman who created her own religion, the same woman who admitted to daydreaming about killing infants, the same woman who accused Bill Cosby of promoting child pornography.
I know it’s hard to NOT believe everything you read in the “internet archive”. But with my help, I will show you the light ..Unless of course you think Dr. Huxtable wanted to diddle little Rudy.
Tiffany Fox wants to legalize heroin use at zoos — archived.
Tiffany Fox says she thinks 3rd trimester abortions should be legal — archived.
Tiffany Fox says she cured herpes using the blood of Shelley Lubben — archived.
Slow down my little screenshotting internet archive researcher, it takes a few days for the internet archives to show up.
Based on what I’ve seen so far, I’ve got to ask: Are you related to Desi Foxx? Please don’t say, ‘NO because she spells her name with two Xs.’
Be honest, I’m sure that, using the internet archive, I can prove you are.
Oh, before you start checking the internet archive, P.S. is an acronym for post script. I learned that from the movie Open Range, proving you don’t need the internet archive to get to the truth.
[…] Real Tiffany Fox has Discovered the “Internet Archive” […]
[…] As my good friend over at the number one blog once said, “consider the source” .. Your internet archives were created by the same women who created her own religion, the same women who admitted to daydreaming about killing infants, the same women who accused Bill Cosby of promoting child pornography…I know it’s hard to NOT believe everything you read in the “internet archives”. But with my help, I will show you the light ..Unless of course you …read more […]