Riley Reyes Needs Your Help With Her Recovery From Ovarian Surgery

Dec 10, 2016
Porn Stars
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When it comes to the adult business, the folks on both sides of the camera and the fans are among the most generous and caring people anywhere. As the Holidays approach, the lovely adult performer Riley Reyes needs a little help.

From Riley Reyes’ GoFundMe page:

Hello there fans, friends, and porno colleagues.
If you are here, it’s because you heard that I had invasive surgery and am now in recovery.

I had a lump and pain in my lower abdomen. When I went in, it was so big they thought it was a pregnancy, but it turned out to be a huge ovarian cyst. The size of a grapefruit! It literally eclipsed my whole uterus… I was supposed to have an outpatient procedure, but the pain got worse and I had to rush to the ER. I was admitted and stayed there for 6 days. They had to make an incision to remove it. Luckily, surgery went fine: I got to keep both ovaries and everything was benign.

But now  the doctor says I have until the new year to recover from the incision they made. That means no exercise, heavy lifting, or vigorous sex. Hell, for the first couple weeks I couldn’t even laugh or masturbate, and I could barely walk. Now my mobility is better but I am still in pain.

And on top of the work hiatus, I am about to get hit with a pile of hospital bills. I was in the hospital for 6 days. There have been so many expenses: the tests, an MRI, the surgery, overnights in the hospital, and all the trappings. My insurance has a $5000 cap on what I can pay annually, and I have just hit it. I already raised 1k from other fan contributions, so if we can get the other 4 it would really make a difference.

Riley Reyes recovering from surgery for ovarian cyst
A huge shoutout to my fans who already bought rewards via my paysite: Jake, Jaime, and James especially! Y’all know who you are. (Spoilbacks and customs are always available for people who go there through my social media) Here… here I am just asking for your help.

I have burned through my savings now.
Please help me survive this last month in recovery.

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