Russian senator: For a joke I might shut down a gay club

Feb 5, 2015
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Vitaly Milonov

An anti-gay Russian politician has hit back at a lesbian couple who took a selfie with him in the background to say that in response he might close down a gay club as a “joke”.

Vitaly Milonov

The photo featured the two women kissing on a plane with Senator Vitaly Milonov hiding himself behind a tablet in the background, and went viral. Senator Milonov is a notoriously anti-gay politician who has organised “raids” on LGBT events.

vitaly milonov

Milonov has now lashed out at the couple, saying: “I am tolerant towards all sexual minorities.”

Continuing, he asserted: “This shows that these people are not of a normal sexual orientation, but that their sexual deviance shows in all aspects of their lives. I didn’t understand what they are doing but they have a nice sense of humor. I also have a good sense of humor. I will perhaps continue this joke by closing their gay club in St. Petersburg, or ban them from having meetings in public places, that’s also a funny step.”


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