Sarah Jones’ Ex Weighs In On Sex Scandal

May 3, 2012
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As former teacher and Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader Sarah Jones awaits trial on accusations that she had sex with one of her students, the man who left her is speaking out for the first time.

Nathan Wilburn — Jones’ high school sweetheart and husband for less than one year — told Inside Edition that even the couple’s honeymoon was ripped apart by allegations that 26-year-old Jones had a sexual relationship with a high school student when she worked in Kentucky.

Sarah Jones is accused of having a sexual relationship with a high school student in Kentucky.

“Of course I don’t want my wife to be guilty of having sexual relations with a young boy,” Wilburn said. “I go back and forth every day as far as whether I feel it’s true or not true.”

The two fought so much over the rumors that they filed for an annulment early this year, just six weeks after their wedding. Wilburn said he has since moved on and found someone new.

Now Jones is preparing to fight the case — she pleaded not guilty in April to charges of having sex with the 17-year-old Dixie Heights High School student. Prosecutors say they have sexually explicit text messages that prove Jones’ affair with the student.

Wilburn told Inside Edition that Jones is falling apart.

“She says she’s crushed and her life is over, she has nothing left,” he said. “Her teaching career’s over. Her Bengals career is over.”

He said that he hopes Jones is innocent, but if she’s not, “she deserves to go to jail.”

Jones abruptly quit her teaching job on Nov. 30, citing “personal reasons.” School officials have said that the resignation came at the same time as the first police probe.

Her mother, Cheryl Jones, was also indicted on charges that she tampered with physical evidence in her daughter’s case. Both made bail and are awaiting their trial on June 27, WPTV reported.

Source: Huffington Post

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