Serena: Hippie, Kinky, Teenage Cruiser — The Rialto Report Podcast 39

Jul 21, 2014
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Serena was one of the most popular stars of 1970s adult film. She stood out from many other actresses. She was striking, aloof, distant, and cool and had a genuine star quality.

She was private and enigmatic too, and details of her life seemed to be mysterious and unknowable.

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This is set to change however with the publication of her autobiography later this year, entitled ‘Bright Lights, Lonely Nights’ (Bear Manor Media).

On this episode of The Rialto Report, we are joined by one of the first directors Serena ever worked with – the rockabilly Rasputin, Johnny Legend, who remains her friend to this day, and who describes what it was like to make ‘Teenage Cruisers’ – one of the strangest films to come out of the golden age – with Serena.

And we speak to Serena herself, as she prepares to come back into the public spotlight and reveal all for the first time.

This episode running time is 109 minutes.

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