Students Suspended for Viewing Porn: Report

Jun 16, 2012
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Who gets into groups of 9 and jerks off. Lol. This is funny

Nine male students were suspended from Bell Middle School for allegedly masturbating while looking at pornography on their cell phones during English class.

Students were suspended during the month of May, the district confirmed in an e-mail to NBC San Diego. But the email also states, the district is “prohibited from commenting on confidential student or personnel matters.”

The teacher, Ed Johnson, is reportedly under fire because he did not respond to students who told him about the behavior while it was allegedly happening – only saying he would give students referrals if he caught them – then went on reading at his desk.

Following the incident, there are reports of controversy from the faculty over how the situation was handled by the teacher.

Students who knew about the suspensions told NBC San Diego that their behavior was “nasty” and “disgusting.”

“It’s crazy I don’t even know I can’t even believe it,” one student told NBC San Diego.

The teachers union says the allegation the teacher did not follow through and take action is simply that – an allegation made by two students in the classroom.

“With respect to Mr. Johnson, all we can tell you is that he is employed by the District and remains assigned to Bell Middle School as of Friday,” the district stated in an email. “His schedule has not changed.”

He’s my teacher but I’m in a different period, and he doesn’t really do much about anything because he’s not a good teacher,” said another student to NBC San Diego. “He always reads. That’s all we do in class is read you read with him no he reads and we listen.”

The principal of the South Bay school is not commenting and said the teacher is not talking about the situation.


NBC San Deigo

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Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago

Sean asks rhetorically, “Who gets into groups of 9 and jerks off?”

Exactly! Everyone knows 7’s the key number here.

Think about it: 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man — that’s the number.

7 chipmunks twirlin’ on a branch /
Eatin’ lots of sunflowers on my uncle’s ranch

You know, that old children’s tale from the sea… - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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