Some of this cant be legit..Who can stick a light bulb up their ass without it breaking ?

Peanut Butter Jar
That thing is huge. This defies all logic in terms of “size of objects that can go in a butt.” The person that did this is a pioneer in the field of putting weird stuff in a butt. (via Southern Medical Journal)

A man who got a vibrator stuck in his butt didn’t learn his lesson the first time. He tried to fish it out with tongs. Get one thing stuck in your butt, shame on you. Get two things stuck in your butt… (via EMedicine)

Electric Plug
Yes, the human body emits trace amounts of electricity but this is not going to charge your cell phone. (via Huffington Post)
See all 20 here
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[…] 20 Insane Things Found in Butts […]