Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC) Announces Its Official Launch

Feb 4, 2014
Health, Safety & Testing
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LOS ANGELES, CA—The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC) officially announces its creation, with its mission the advocacy to maintain and improve safety and working conditions within the adult film industry. An organization created solely by performers, APAC gives adult industry talent organized representation in matters that affect performer health, safety, and community.

The mission of APAC is to provide representation for performers within the adult film industry, and to protect performers’ rights for a safer and more professional work environment. To that end, APAC will review existing health and safety protocols, and initiate new ones as needed; by creating unity amongst adult industry talent, APAC hopes to strengthen the industry’s ability to address current issues and concerns.

As part of the Committee’s launch, APAC released a Porn 101 video. A DVD copy was released to all industry talent attending the recent Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada; the video can also be seen here.

APAC will be releasing additional videos that will continue to educate industry performers, as well as the general public, on various aspects of sexual health and awareness.

Porn 101 is just the beginning in our endeavor to educate,” said APAC member Chanel Preston. “It’s important for us to help others gain a better awareness for their sexual health in and out of the industry. This will help keep our industry a safer place to work. We care about our health as performers and it’s time we take more control of it.”


Industry acceptance of the Committee has been strong and positive; AVN covered the release of the Porn 101 video. Of the video, AVN’s Mark Kernes wrote, “The video itself … is divided into several sections, including How to Get In, Payment, Health, Set Etiquette, Consent, The Internet, and Other Forms of Revenue – and as might be expected, the Health section is easily the longest. But the entire production is so full of good advice that no one working in front of the camera should fail to see it.”

Asa Akira in APAC's Porn 101 video

Asa Akira in APAC’s Porn 101 video

Resources will be made available to new and current adult industry performers in the way of continuing education and communication. Performer meetings will be held the first Sunday of every month; all performers are encouraged to attend and to get involved, so APAC may have a better understanding of performers’ needs and wants, concerns, and suggestions to better the industry as a whole.

“I think that performer education and support are two of the most needed resources for our industry, and I’m happy to do what I can to contribute,” stated performer/sex educator jessica drake. “I love the idea that APAC is for the performers by the performers, and not affiliated with any other organizations. I encourage all performers who want to be involved to reach out to us, come to a meeting, and share your thoughts and concerns to help better the business of which we’re all a part.”

jessica drake in APAC's Porn 101 video

jessica drake in APAC’s Porn 101

Through education amongst performers and the greater adult film industry community, development of ethical best practices, and a fostering of solidarity, APAC is committed to working cohesively with all aspects of the adult entertainment industry and the public. APAC’s goal is to strengthen unity between all performers, and to maintain a work environment where workers are valued, respected, and educated. For more information, click here and/or follow the APAC Twitter account.

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For media and performer inquiries, please email here.

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Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC) Announces Its Official Launch | AdultWikiMedia
11 years ago

[…] Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC) Announces Its Official Launch […]

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago

These guys are the real deal. It’s about time there was a reliable voice for performers and this is just the group to provide it.


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