AHF Uses Party & Play Escort Cameron Adams In Latest Prop60 Mailer #NoProp60

Nov 4, 2016
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This fucking chick is by far the best weapon AHF has in its fight to shut down porn. With the exception of Mike South, I have never seen someone tell this many lies without remorse.

Below is a vote mailer sent out by AHF, it details Cameron Bays version of how she got HIV.

What it should say is:

After breaking into Taryn Thomas’s house and shitting all over her penthouse picture I started dating a Bi-sexual escort named Rod Daily. Daily and I liked to escort together and loved Party and Play get togethers. We would occasionally test but for the most part we’re only
worried about our next fix. Soon I decided to get back into porn, I had to change my name due to all my warrants and the bad press I had received as Cameron Adams and finally settled on Cameron Bay. It wasn’t long before me an Rod starting hooking up with a couple transsexuals and also got a gig a Kink.  I really didn’t get HIV from the Kink set but since AHF is paying me the big bucks I say whatever they need me to say. I mean come on, if it happened the way I said it did then other people on that set would have contracted HIV as well, not just my BF and his lovers. Anyway, I’d like to apologize for being a huge part of the effort to shut porn down and I hope you like the picture of my kid. I wasn’t to worried about bringing a kid into the world even though im HIV positive, after all, if something went wrong I could always blame it on porn which would get me one more AHF paycheck.




The other day someone tweeted me a Halloween meme that called Cameron a bitch,  I re-tweeted it which caused fringe porner Dollie Darko to sub tweet me


Yea. It’s Dollie Darko so who gives a shit, but this chick is actually sticking up for someone who is using a 100% bullshit narrative to help pass Prop 60. Of course when you only shot 5 times a year Prop60 doesn’t have the same impact it would on a legit performer

Dollie Darko’s new BFF is the same chick who wished gang rape on another performer then threatened to have her beat up. Fuck Cameron Bay/Adams. She lived a reckless drug filled life without a care in the world and that finally caught up with her. I don’t feel sorry for her one little bit and will even go as far as to say she got what she deserved.
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A Real Pornstar DJ
A Real Pornstar DJ
8 years ago

Over the years you’ve always said what needs to be said. The stuff FSC and XBIZ won’t say and I thank you for that. She is a terrible person there’s no doubting that

8 years ago

Disgusting. That flyer makes me sick. Worst thing is John Q voter will believe every single word.

8 years ago

Fuck dude, that’s horrible man. Isn’t there a way to stop people from lying on the mailers? Of course it’s to late for that at this point but if Prop60 fails you can be sure AHF will try again

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