Andy San Dimas Loves Unicorns, Hates The Mets :UPDATED

Jul 18, 2013
Porn Stars
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Of course i had to ask Andy her side before i put this up.. The TRPWL news team is not only award winning but very thorough.  Andy tells me TMZ has a tape..Ill update it when its added


“basically this whole thing was an exaggerated piece of shit from some idiot who had the nerve to say i seemed like i was on DRUGS when i was clearly just drunk like every1 else at the game. i even have video and pics”

“i just got upset about the drugs part and the fact that some poor policeman is in trouble over 20 secs of me having harmless fun”

TRPWL- Btw. Mets fan??

“no. just a fan of large groups of drunk people having fun.”



Now THAT’S some pirate booty.

Porn star Andy San Dimas was kicked out of PNC Park for provocatively dancing while wearing a unicorn mask during the July 13th Pirates-Mets game, according to Deadspin.

A witness told the site that a young woman in a unicorn mask was sitting in front of him at the game. Her friend announced that the masked woman was a “major triple x star” who would be stripping later that night at Cheerleaders Gentleman’s Club in Pittsburgh.

The witness states that the woman was engaging in a clothed “sexy stripper dance.” She refused to stop when an usher asked her, and when confronted by security, ended up leaving the ballpark.

Deadspin sussed out that the “major triple x star” in question was none other than 26-year-old Andy San Dimas, a porn star who also made an appearance in the movie Drive:


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