APAC Encourages Performer Participation in Final Days of Adult Industry Survey

Apr 26, 2016
Adult Business News
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LOS ANGELES, Calif – April 26 /Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC)/ — The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC) urgently requests performers to complete an online survey detailing their experiences working in the adult industry by Sunday April 31st.  Upon completing the short survey, participants can enter a drawing to win a free industry standard test (valued at $160) from Talent Testing Services and Cutting Edge Testing.

The survey is open to all adult film performers, and will generate vital information about a range of topics that relate to performers including: income, sexuality, affiliation with other sex industries, sexual safety practices, and sex-work related discrimination.  The survey was created through a partnership between APAC and the University of California, Santa Barbara and the data will be used to improve the experiences and safety of performers, as well as to raise the standard for industry practices more generally.

“APAC desperately needs your help during the final days of data collection for this survey,” remarks APAC president Chanel Preston. “We are so thrilled to have been involved in the creation of the current study, and the survey data will bring new insights into where we all can focus our efforts. We encourage all performers to spend a few minutes and complete this survey!”

While scientific research on sex workers has increased dramatically over the past several decades, empirical data on labor practices in the adult film industry is lacking.  The aim of this survey is to fill in this gap, and facilitate understandings of adult industry performers that are based on fact rather than cultural stereotypes.

Performers who are interested in participating in the survey can contact APAC directly by email at apac.information@gmail.com, or visit their local adult industry testing facility.

The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee advocates to maintain and improve safety and working conditions in the adult film industry by giving adult performers organized representation in matters that affect their health, safety and community. To learn more about APAC, visit their website.

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