Astrid Star Calls out The Big Gun #AUDIO #SuitcasePimp

Apr 15, 2021
Adult Business
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This guy sounds like he’s well educated and, drug free..In the recording he states this is “Astrids Phone” and you can hear her in the background.. This will come into play in a future post.

Astrid and her suitcase pimp have threatened 8 different girls up to this point, and that’s not counting the original girl that got this ball rolling…

I’m not sure how this recording got into the site, maybe the guys who “hacked” TracerRoutes twitter, then used it to threaten me, then gave it back to him, also hacked the site, wrote this post and added the recording…All in an effort to destroy ole TRPWL

I have no idea who this voicemail was left for, and have had no contact with that person whomever it may be. 🙂 I fully attest, under penalty of Astrids Suitcase Pimp, Robert from 101’s drug connect, and James Bartholet’s reused condom, that I have no idea how this recording got leaked.

But rest assured I will start a gofundme, raise money, and hire a forensics expert to get to the bottom of this, one, with top secret clearance


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3 years ago

That guy on the phone is a total moron.

3 years ago

Who goes to home depot parking lot to pick up a power of attorney?

How come she had to sign power of attorney to some one? She been in mental hospitals and found incompetent? Could explain a lot

Astrids gut
Astrids gut
3 years ago

I bet her pimp snorts coke off her c-section scar. she’s fn gross

3 years ago

Does AVN have a Suitcase Pimp wing of their Hall of Fame? The plaque should feature a mini F 150 rim. - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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