Beware! Mike South still endangering lives by not testing talent

May 20, 2015
Adult Business News
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I was recently contacted by a model who’s a member of a popular modeling site, that wanted to tell me about a conversation she’d had there with another model/aspiring adult performer.

The model that forwarded me the following conversation was aware of the dangers of dealing with amateur producer Mike South and was warning the other gal about shooting with him.  Apparently the young performer was unaware of the South disease factory’s (non-)testing practices, so she sent her a link to TRPWL‘s 2014 exposé:


Fearing that she might not be grasping the seriousness of the situation, the model kept conversing with the young woman.



Well, this wasn’t hard to figure out at all. A simple Twitter search had turned up this:


It wasn’t hard to put 2 and 2 together. Who else could it be but the hillbilly bukkake boy himself?

Going on, the performer starts to get it, and begins to sing… and an all-too-familiar horrific story emerges.

Beware! Mike South still endangering lives by not testing talent

There you have it. Mike South is still endangering lives by not testing talent for a range of STIs, and instead relying solely on a store-bought home HIV test… despite the fact that, according to recent CDC numbers, Georgia has markedly higher rates of STI infection than California.

South has some balls on him. (I don’t mean his actual balls, which, oddly, are rather black in color…) Not only does he tell people that a home HIV oral swab test (using 1990s ELISA antibody technology) is superior to state of the art PCR lab testing (read our debunking of that claim here), but that the reason he relies on it is not that it’s really inexpensive, but because someone on HIV meds can beat a PCR test, but not this cheap test.

Set aside the fact that no peer-reviewed research backs up his assertion about patients on anti-retroviral meds… this rationale is directly at odds with his other claim: that he knows and vouches for “his guys”. If he knows them, and their health status, so well, why would the issue of people on anti-retroviral meds even come up?

Fortunately this young woman was saved from a dangerous hotel room bukkake shoot by a keen-eyed model and TRPWL‘s reporting. This post is for the next potential victim.




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9 years ago

Mike South. A legend in his own mind. Pro-condom for everyone but himself. Wants to regulate the Internet. Phony libertarian - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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