Chi Chi LaRue’s newest title features five porn performers who later went on to serve time for some rather distinctly unsexy crimes: murder, attempted murder, burglary, theft and rape.
Criminal Cocks (NSFW) features scenes with Marcus Allen, Tim Barnett, Ryan Idol, Tim Lowe and Tommy Saxx (among other non-lawbreakers) stitched together from Chi Chi’s huge holdings in Rascal and All Worlds Video.
The consensus among porn bloggers (NSFW) seems to be that it was in poor taste for the high priestess of adult video to reissue a compilation DVD that used their heinous crimes as a marketing tool.
But what do you think, readers? Has Chi Chi gone too far or is it just some harmless marketing? Be the judge in the comments section.
Full story here:
Isn’t Chi Chi one of the most strident boosters of mandatory condoms?? Even to the point of loudly resigning from Vivid when they changed their policy to condom optional??
Why would anyone be shocked? Where do you think an ex-con would go for employment if he can’t get hired in the civilian world because of his record.
Reminds me of the Cheech & Chong skit:
“Lets talk about your record coach…”
“What you wanna talk ’bout that for? I did my time; I paid my debt to society…”