[Video] Condoms, Porn, and L.A.’s Measure B: The Most Bizarre Ballot Initiative of 2012

Oct 26, 2012
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condom poilce: Condoms In Porn: A Threat To Freedom Of Expression

On November 6, voters in Los Angeles County, California will get a chance to vote on whether actors in porn movies filmed in L.A. county must wear condoms and practice safe sex on camera.

The Safer Sex in the Adult Film Industry Act – also known as Measure B – is a response to ongoing stories about outbreaks of sexually transmitted diseases among workers in one of Southern California’s most lucrative industries.

condom poilce


“Self regulation has failed miserably when it comes to the porn industry,” says Michael Weinstein of the Aids Healthcare Foundation, one of the main backers of Measure B.

“This isn’t the government’s place,” counters Steven Hirsch of Vivid Entertainment, one of the country’s leading producers of X-rated fare. “In a time when we have huge budget deficits, [county officials] are going to take their time and energy to figure out how to police an industry that does a fine job of policing itself.”

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