A former stripper turned ministry leader who claims she once considered becoming a lesbian has offered up a rather unusual explanation for homosexuality.
In an article for Charisma magazine, writer Cedric Harmon interviews a woman named Contessa Adams who claims that she was once possessed by sexual demons. Adams claims repeated attacks by a succubus — defined in the article as a female sexual demon that traditionally assaults men — made her contemplate becoming a lesbian.
“Anybody that has been attacked by them will tell you … they’re worried [that] they could not find that pleasure with mortal people,” Adams, who claims to have “found Christ” in 1979, says. “Unless you’re strong enough to rebuke it, they’ll keep coming back. You must speak the Word of God, knowing you have power in the name of Jesus.”
You can read the full article here.
Adams’ remarks seem in line with Gordon Klingenschmitt, a former Navy Chaplain who has repeatedly claimed to have performed over 50 gay/lesbian exorcisms.
“People are recruited, people are deceived, and people make a choice,” Klingenschmitt, who claims to have had about a 50 percent success rate in “curing” gayness via these exorcisms, has said. “They have a free will, moral choice….The marketing of homosexuality has an agenda, and that is to repopulate their population by recruiting the children of heterosexuals.”
Similarly, Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association has reportedly said he believes exorcisms can “cure” people of homosexuality.
Huff Post
Priest doing gay exorcism………Is that the lawd’s way of saying “I’m sorry for giving all them pedos access to kids and shelter when they get caught touchin them” ?
sounds like having sex with gay demons is what makes people gay. so having sex with heterosexual demons is probably okay. or, better yet, the gay demons should just have sex with people who are already gay.
It all makes sense now. Coco says I am a spawn from hell. I enjoy administering Anal, so I must be an Anal Demon. Chicks seem to dig getting it in the butt after they experience it with me. I base that on the fact that they call again, and/or cum hard during the act. I think Anal Demon would be a good name/theme for a tumblr acct. Also a good use of the TONS of pics I have stashed on various hard drives, DVDs and CD-ROMs. Those CD-Roms irk me. Like one scene per disc. I should advertise a… Read more »