Derek Hay and Shy Love Leave LATATA

Feb 2, 2015
Adult Business News
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Breaking story —

Member agents of the Licensed Adult Talent Agency Trade Association (LATATA), were notified today that Derek Hay’s LA Direct Models and Shy Love‘s The VIP Connect will be departing the group.

Mark Schechter of member agency ATMLA has issued this statement:

There has been a tremendous amount of dissension amongst a few members of LATATA that has been building up over the past 6 months that in my opinion led to the resignation of the agencies involved.  The majority of the remaining members have already discussed the agreed intentions to continue with the LATATA organization and welcome any and all valid licensed agencies to become active members as well.

Derek Hay and Shy Love Leave LATATA

As Schechter notes, there was been a good deal of acrimony between certain LATATA members recently. Hay and Love were seen as the driving forces behind an attempt to oust Schechter’s agency, ATMLA, from LATATA in October 2014.

In November, Shy Love sued Schechter for defamation. Schechter countersued the following month.

LATATA, the industry trade organization for licensed agencies operating in the adult entertainment business, was formed in 2009. Hay led the charge to form the group, and Love, then the operator of ATMLA, was among its founding members.

LATATA was organized “to form a union between all licensed talent agencies for the adult entertainment business. As one unit, the trade association has the ability to address issues that an individual may not be able to take on by themselves.”

This is not the first time LATATA has splintered. In January 2012, three modeling agencies — ATMLA, Type 9 Models and OC Modeling — departed LATATA to start their own competing organization, Agency Licensed Trade Association (ALTA).

ALTA was short-lived, however. Shy Love dissolved the group in June of that year and its members later rejoined LATATA.


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10 years ago

I did not think Shy Love was in LATATA…

10 years ago

What is the worst thing about Shy and Derek going over a cliff in a Sentra?

There was room in the car for Mike South and Alana Evans.

Thank you, I’ll be here all week. Please remember to tip the waitstaff, they have addictions to support.


[…] few days ago Derek Hay resigned from LATATA by way of email…Soon after, his stooges LAX and Shy Love followed suit.  Last […] - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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