Douchebag of the Week: Slut-Shaming ‘Comic’ Andrew Schulz

Mar 7, 2014
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Thursday night, as Belle Knox, the Duke University student and adult film performer spoke on CNN, a supposedly “edgy, street-smart” comic named Andrew Schulz took to Twitter to slut shame Knox, and every woman who chooses to work in adult entertainment.

Belle Knox on CNN

Belle Knox on CNN

Maybe it was because he was stuck performing in Buffalo, NY, but Andrew was in a foul, judgmental, and pointedly unfunny mood.

Andrew Schulz: as funny as a dry fist

Andrew Schulz: as funny as a dry fist

Porn should be a last resort. Not some shit women are proud of“, wrote Schulz.

Read his rant from the bottom up:





Pretty hilarious stuff, huh?

As one could probably imagine, Schulz’s tirade was not well-received by adult performers and those who respect the concepts of bodily autonomy, sexual agency, and the rights of sex workers.

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Preach much?

Preach much?

Let’s examine a couple of this genius’ statements —

Ur hobbies shouldn't break ur fathers heart

Newsflash, bro, adult women aren’t owned by their fathers. What century do you live in?

Sydney Leathers gets it right

You refuse to “allow” it — is that right, douchebag? News flash: you don’t get to decide jack shit for anyone but yourself.

As for the topic of “empowerment,” the measure of one’s job — ANY job — should not be whether one finds it empowering. A job can be empowering, or not. One can love it, one can be ambivalent about it, or one can hate it.

Porn is a job in the field of entertainment, just like comedy, Andrew. The one thing that makes porn as a job different from others is the stigma from assholes like you who think it can’t be empowering.



Many women (and men) do find it empowering to have the freedom and independence that a career in adult entertainment provides. They can work relatively few hours per week and spend more time taking care of their families. You know what’s not empowering for many single moms? Having to work 40 hours or more a week for less money, and pay for a nanny.

If this all is too abstract for you, Andrew, perhaps you should peruse a qualitative study (recommended by my wife, Christina Parreira — a sex worker, researcher and PhD student) that collected data from 50 current adult performers: Motivations for pursuing an acting career in pornography (Abbott, 2002), cited in another excellent resource, Ron Weitzer’s (2010) book Sex for Sale: Prostitution, Pornography, and the Sex Industry.

Yes, Andrew, many women do find it empowering to receive payment for doing things other women do for free.

I watch porn

Hey, Andy — when you’re not jackin’ it to porn, eating, sleeping, making bad comedy, or displaying your issues about sex on Twitter, you (presumably) have sex with people — for free.

Perhaps you’d like to get paid for doing something you enjoy . . . or maybe you think of sex as too intimate an act to treat as commerce. Either way, that’s nobody’s business but yours.

Adult performers deserve and demand the same courtesy. And if you don’t like it, you can go fuck yourself.

Matisse 1

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Douchebag of the Week: Slut-Shaming ‘Comic’ Andrew Schulz | AdultWikiMedia
11 years ago

[…] Douchebag of the Week: Slut-Shaming ‘Comic’ Andrew Schulz […]

Douchebag of the Week: Slut-Shaming ‘Comic’ Andrew Schulz | The Rob Black Website
11 years ago

[…] Douchebag of the Week: Slut-Shaming ‘Comic’ Andrew Schulz […]

Anthony Kennerson
11 years ago

Funny how much MTV, for all its hateration of porn, sure attempts to make lots and lots of $$$$ off of attacking or co-opting porn. You’d think that if it wasn’t for porn, MTV would crumble from the sucky content. They just haven’t been the same since Madonna and MJ’s glory days.

Anthony Kennerson
11 years ago

BTW…Goddess bless Dana deArmond, Porn Queen of Smack.

Jordan Owen
Jordan Owen
11 years ago

Well, this asshole can forget about me ever supporting his pissant career. Dana will most likely still have her much deserved following after his 15 minutes are up. - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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