Saturday evening was the 15th annual Brooklyn Pride Night Parade in the gay haven of Park Slope. We’ve been to Brooklyn Pride numerous times—in fact we were there on Saturday—and it’s one of the more sedate, though still wonderful Pride celebrations around. Lots of families (gay and straight), politicians and civic groups.
But you wouldn’t know that if you were a follower of Fox News Radio reporter Todd Starnes’ Twitter feed. The anti-gay, racist pundit “somehow” ended up a the parade, and tweeted numerous updates about the atrocities he witnessed, including drag queens, Justin Bieber lookalikes, “a gaggle of angry lesbians” (we always thought lesbians came in flocks), and free condoms being distributed.
Does Starnes prefer to bareback?
At one point, he tweeted his conversation with police officer:
“Todd: Excuse me, officer, where is the Straight Pride Parade?”
“Officer: “We don’t have those, sir.”
Yeah, you do—they’re called Tuesdays.
Starnes also tweeted he saw “lots of male thongs and leather chaps,” but we were there and didn’t see any (darn the luck). Maybe Starnes was having a flashback to the Eagle’s rooftop beer blast?
We’re not big on outrageous displays of “Pride”—and probably could do without the chaps we do see—but for those of you who wish everyone would march in three-piece suits, here’s a reminder that it wouldn’t stop the haters from hatin’. They’ll just make it up!
See you at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Mr. Starnes—you know, when good God-fearing Christian heterosexual Americans get so drunk they start brawls and vomit on themselves.