FSC: Moratorium Over Friday; Implements 14-Day Testing

Sep 16, 2013
Health, Safety & Testing
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CANOGA PARK, Calif.—The FSC today released the following statement announcing that adult production can resume on Friday and that all performers must be tested on or after Thursday in order to be cleared in the PASS system. The organization also announced a new 14-day testing protocol industrywide.

 The Free Speech Coalition’s (FSC) PASS (Performer Availability Screening Services, formerly APHSS) Program announced today that the moratorium will be lifted Friday, Sept. 20. All performers must test on or after Thursday, Sept. 19, in order to be cleared to work. Additionally, all performers will now be required to test every 14 days in order to be cleared for work.


“Our industry protocols are designed to be conservative and our doctors support a conservative approach, for the health and well-being of the performers,” said Diane Duke FSC Chief Executive Officer. “That is why moving forward, the physicians have recommended and we have implemented, a 14-day testing protocol.”

The change in policy comes after three performers tested positive for HIV. Subsequent tests of scene partners established that the virus did not originate and was not transmitted on-set, and PASS doctors worked closely with the performers to identify 1st generation exposures. No additional incidences of HIV have surfaced.

 Sept. 19 marks 14 days since Patient 3 tested positive for HIV. The window period for the HIV RNA Aptima test is seven to ten days, but industry protocols dictate that retests occur 14 days or later as an added precaution.

 In addition to the change to a 14-day testing period, FSC’s PASS program plans to work with doctors, workplace safety specialists and performers to support a performer education program.

“We can do more to help our performers learn how to protect themselves, on screen and off,” Duke stated. “While the increased testing will further ensure safer sets, it is important that we remain vigilant. Going forward, we need to constantly look to both performers, producers and health care professionals to find ways to improve our protocols.”

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