The 80ft-high object is raising eyebrows because of its uncanny resemblance to a sex toy, but is actually an installation by American artist Paul McCarthy.

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Simply called “Tree”, it is towering over the Place Vendome as part of a contemporary art fair.
McCarthy, who is no stranger to controversy, designed the piece specifically for the “Fiac” festival but it has not been taken well by some critics.
Printemps Francais, a far-right group that opposes gay marriage, has been complaining on Twitter.
[…] Post Giant inflatable ‘sex toy’ sculpture in Paris is meant to be a Christmas tree appeared first on […]
[…] have attacked a large inflatable sculpture that sparked outrage in Paris for its resemblance to a sex […]
[…] this fall, artist Paul McCarthy erected a massive new piece of art right in the middle of Paris: Tree, a giant green inflatable butt plug. And now, according to the […]