Help San Francisco’s St. James Infirmary Find A New Home

Oct 20, 2015
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For the past 13 years, the St. James Infirmary has operated the nation’s only Occupational Health & Safety Clinic by & for sex workers out of a storefront facility at 1372 Mission Street. In this building we’ve provided primary medical care, social services, mental health care, holistic care, food, clothing, education and housing assistance to more than 4,000 sex workers in the Bay Area.  Since our comrades at the TGI Justice Project moved in with us a year ago, they’ve hosted weekly letter writing nights to support and advocate for transgender, gender-variant & intersex people in prisons, jails and detention centers, and have operated a grassroots re-entry program for those returning home. Together, we’ve built an incredible community here in the middle of the SOMA.

St. James & TGI Justice- Moving Out, Moving On from St. James Infirmary on Vimeo.

This summer we learned our  building was being sold, and that our lease would not be renewed. We need to be out of our space by the end of the year, and we hope to start getting a new space ready before then so that we can reopen with no breaks in services. The funds raised through this campaign will help us to:

·      Pay for tenant improvements and renovations to our new space

·      Cover relocation expenses

·      Chip away the significant rent increase we know this market will demand of us

Every dollar we raise from this campaign will be matched up to $25,000 from a dreamy anonymous donor. That means we have a chance to raise the $50,000 we need for the first stage of this move in half the time! We can’t afford to miss this opportunity, which will seriously soften the blow of this difficult move. Please donate today and share this campaign with your friends.

On behalf of the entire St. James Infirmary and TGIJP family- THANK YOU!!!

The St. James Infirmary GoFundMe page

Help San Francisco's St. James Infirmary Find A New Home

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