How Dumb is Jayden Cole? Lets find out

Jan 14, 2025
Adult Business
14 0
Jayden Cole

So I’m minding my own business this morning when I get a text from the VP of Porn. I immediately went to the MPGA (Make Porn Great Again) email and found this screencap.

I was completely and utterly confused, you know, sort of like Aurora Anarchy when the waiter asks if she wants to drink.

How in the world can a porn chick’s OnlyFans be “hacked” for 2 years without her knowing? I mean even in the day of OF management companies, after 6 months, someone would recognize that something is not right.   Keep in mind, I’m not sure we are talking about OF, I deduced that based on the rest of the Twitter thread.

But it really doesn’t matter what account we are talking bout.  At the end of the day, You have to be a complete fucking idiot to NOT know someone is your account pretending to be you…

But what do I know, I’m just a guy with two-factor authentification enabled.



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chinese hacker
chinese hacker
22 days ago

TRPWL is BACK!!!!! That’s 3 non pr posts in a week. this bitch probably scammed some dudes and is trying to lie her way out of it

Kermit Crimes
Kermit Crimes
21 days ago

My take on this is that she is saying this because she said some dumb shit she regrets and wants to blame it on hackers. If they really hacked her account for years and she didn’t notice she would have to be more braindead than emily willis - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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