Industry Workplace Safety Attorney Reacts to Draft Cal/OSHA Regulations Leaked Online

Oct 15, 2013
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A number of leading industry attorneys as well as FSC and medical doctors are taking a look at these draft regulations, and we expect an update and analysis tomorrow.



The fact that a proposed regulation ends up on an “AHF Friendly” blog is very telling.  Obviously, AHF received a copy of these draft regulations.  Why wouldn’t Cal/OSHA share the proposed regulations with industry “stakeholders?”  We attended the meetings, signed in to the Cal/OSHA logs providing our contact information, and we were told that we were stakeholders that would receive communications and updates.  Now, Cal/OSHA only views AHF as a stakeholder?  What happened to the FSC?  What happened to contacting performers and producers who spend hours attending many of the meetings put on by Cal/OSHA?


We should look forward to presenting our views to the Standards Board and to explaining how the industry has been excluded and marginalized in this regulation drafting process.  No other industry in California would be treated like this, not farm labor contractors with their numerous heat related deaths these past few years, not construction companies with the high number of fatalities and serious injuries associated with their jobs, no other industry!

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Anthony Kennerson
Anthony Kennerson
11 years ago

I just uploaded a .pdf copy of CalOSHA’s draft regs over at BPPA, if anyone is interested in reading them:

This is the CalOSHA/AHF coup that I feared the most. Measure B and the 332/640 trainwreck was mild compared to this…and this could potentially go nationwide, too.

11 years ago

As long as OSHA doesn’t reach Prague and Kiev, then barely legals will still be seen taking condom free dick in the ass and I’ll keep on fapping.

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago

This is entirely predictable. There has been a sub rosa entente among AHF, Cal-OSHA and the doctors from The UCLA Working Group since before Measure B had even been ginned up. They’re all on the same side and when one element seems to be losing the fight, as AHF is quite likely to after their encounter with The Ninth Circuit, another steps up to push this agenda forward by any means necessary. It’s no coincidence that these new regs appeared just as AHF faces its next day in court, where if they do get intervener status they will attempt to… Read more »

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago
Reply to  Ernest Greene

Yes, the timing is amazing. The Cal/OSHA standards board has been working on these new regs for 4 years, yet a purported draft appears now. As for Cal/OSHA becoming the mighty threat some people would like it to be, that’s where the fear mongering around “$60K Fines” came into play. AHF & friends are waging a war of disinformation and intimidation. The facts are our greatest defenses, but we have few weapons. If AHF goes down it will be because Weinstein has been ensnared by his own corruption and obsessive lust for control. The political / governmental status quo fights… Read more »

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago

Well said. If someone were to ask me what NOT to do in LA, I’d put suing The Board of Supervisors, particularly by name, at the top of the list. Funny how that nasty Medicaid fraud investigation appeared on the horizon so suddenly and the long simmering resentments and divisions inside AHF bubbled to the surface.

We wouldn’t seem to have a lot of friends right now, but if the enemy of our enemy is our friend, I’d say some of the few we have are among the best we could hope for.

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

An email today (Oct 24, 2013) from Amalia Neidhardt at Cal/OSHA, entitled “Update on Cal/OSHA Adult Film Industry Project,” includes the draft posted on Mike South’s pro-AHF, anti-adult biz website, and reads in pertinent part:

Thank you for your participation in this project. The Division has edited the previous draft, which was provided in June 2011. This draft has been sent to the Board staff for their review. It is not a rulemaking proposal at this time. The draft can be found at: - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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