James Deen Set To Appear On ‘Skylark Tonight’

Dec 8, 2015
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In a rare television appearance James Deen will appear on the hit TV show Skylark Tonight ..

I reached out to host Dave Skylark for a quick Interview to promo the show

TRPWL– With all the things going in the world right now why did you guys pick James Deen?

Dave– Its simple, the 1st rule of journalism is to give the people what they want.

TRPWL– Will The Interview have some in depth questions in regards to the rape allegations?

Dave– Not sure yet, all the questions will be given to us by James PR firm.

TRPWL– I guess you do what you gotta do, Im sure you’ll get in some good follow ups right?

Dave– No Sean, We aren’t allowed to ask any follow ups.  I will ask him if he thinks drinking Margaritas and listening to Katy Perry is gay?. Those are the real questions

TRPWL– Yes, Im certain the world will be glued to their seats waiting on that answer.

Dave– Are you honey dicking me right now? Cuz I think you are. Please don’t hate us cuz you aint us.  After the Deen Interview  everyone is going to take me super duper seriously!

TRPWL– How is this an interview? it sounds more like a press release.

Dave– Ill leave the press releases up to you Sean. Skylark Tonight has reported tons of breaking news, Eminem coming out, Rob Lowe being bald, and Matthew McConaughey fucking a goat. What have you ever done other then make fun of Monica Foster?  Have you ever had stanky dick? Have you ever assassinated the leader of a 3rd world country? You know how hard it is to kill a man who’s given you a puppy?

TRPWL– The leader of a 3rd world country gave you a puppy? Then you killed him?

Dave– If you want an answer to that your gonna have to buy my best selling tell all.  Im a journalist Sean, not some porn hack with a blog. Sure im not really interviewing James Deen, sure the questions are coming straight from him, and sure, I can’t ask any follow ups, but you know what?  I got the interview and you didn’t so there..And when its done, me and him may become best friends, then Ill write another best selling book about my experiences being Deens friend..Ive even got the ending already written:

 As the two best friends stared each other in the eyes, they knew that this might be the end of the long road. But even though that neither one could say it out loud, they were both thinking…I love you.

Dave– I gotta go Sean, Aardvark is texting

TRPWL– Thanks for the time Dave


For those interested, Daves Interview with James Deen will air Friday night on Fox at 8pm (ET)

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