Metro Talent’s John Forbush Dies In Freak Rattle Snake Accident UPDATED

Jun 15, 2016
Adult Business News
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Im 95% sure this is true..LOL  Yea, Mike South once wrote that in reference to Billy Glides death.. Turned out, he was 100% wrong..

XBIZ, ran a story this morning saying “John” from Metro talent had passed away on his property..I found this odd since Forbush doesn’t own any property. He lives in a trailer/5th wheel parked in front of someones house..

LOS ANGELES — Agent John, who worked closely with Payton Leigh at Metro Talent Management, has died at the age of 26 due to an accident on his property. Metro Talent said that John will be missed by all those he worked with in the adult industry.

John entered the adult industry when he was only 18, working at a manufacturing facility. The agent went on to become Leigh’s partner at Metro Talent Management.

With John’s passing, Leigh will be taking over Metro Talent Management full time. John was Leigh’s only partner at the agency.

Memories of John can be posted on his Facebook page.

For more information on Metro Talent Management, visit their official website or follow them on Twitter.


This was posted under company press, the same place that PRs are run..

Whats super interesting about all this, is Forbush DMCA’d me at 3am

From: Abuse Department <>
Date: June 15, 2016 at 3:09:43 AM PDT
Subject: [Ticket#2016061210002121] DOMAIN ABUSE DMCA TAKEDOWN NOTICE

Tatiana Kempler – Support Team
ICANN Registrar

Violations: Digital Millenium Copyright Act , California Civil Code 3344

In accordance with the digital millenium copywrite act I am the owner of these photos I own sole copywrite of these photos these photos were stolen and used without my proper consent in accordance with california civil code 3344, this is also a violation as they are using my likeness branding and legal name on a porn site in an attempt to extort me.

Maybe he committed suicide? John says to himself, i cant take it anymore, im gonna end it all, but first, let me DMCA Shawn over at TRPWL.

OMG, maybe he’s not even dead, maybe this is all a ruse to separate himself from the agency, and stop further harassment from Fake Gene Ross.

Maybe he knows he’s in all kind of shit for the scams he’s been pulling that have yet to become public?? Im sure once the DAs office reads about the death of “metro john” they will shut down any and all investigations involving him..HAHA

So at 3am, he DMCAs me, and 6 hours later XBIZ runs a story about him being dead..

Assuming John died after pressing send on the DMCA notice, in 6 hours, LA County found Johns lifeless body, transported him to the morgue, rules his death an accident and notified next of kin, who im assuming told Payton Leigh, who then decided to send the info to Xbiz.  Um yea

Now, im not saying hes not dead, im just saying this shit don’t make sense..

At least I wont have to comply with the DMCA notice…


The Plot Thickens


In the last hour, XBIZ has removed the article

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