Mason Wyler: Why I’m Returning To Porn As An HIV+ Bareback Performer

Jul 26, 2012
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Im reprinting this 2011 blog not to demean or pick on gay porn..Im reprinting because AHF is fixated on straight porn as a HIV threat when in reality nothing could be farther from the truth..No HIV cases on the str8 side since 2004. In the nearly 9 years since that, All HIV cases have come from Gay side. And with all leading HIV researchers claiming that HIV is spread most thru gay men and intravenous drug users. Why is that Michael Weinstein and AHF still continue to waste valuable resources, time, money and public promotion on a non issue? AHF says they want to stop the spread of HIV. Im having a hard time seeing that since AHF attacks almost every advancement in HIV treatment then goes and wastes 7 million bucks on a industry that hasn’t seen a HIV case in 9 years..I would venture to say AHFs agenda has nothing to do with HIV..


Last week, released a scene I did in December with owner Owen Hawk and his boyfriend Brandon Hawk. Condoms were not used during the shoot. I don’t have any sort of ideological reason behind why I chose to do what I did but I do have reasons.

I did it because my career had been at a standstill (or dead) for nearly nine months. I sent out emails, made phone calls, and tweeted to little or no avail. I got offers from plenty of bareback studios but the big studios, which are “safe-sex” studios, weren’t interested. There are many justifications as to why my time in the mainstream part of the industry is seemingly over. I don’t look as good as I used to… especially compared to who’s out there today. I’ve worked for nearly every major studio/website there is when companies covet exclusivity. I make headlines and gain attention for horrible things. I’m HIV Positive and everybody knows it. I’ve been in this business for six years, that’s a long time for porn, maybe too long but I can’t bring myself to throw in the towel so when gave me an offer too good to refuse, I took it. I love having sex on camera and I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do. Not yet anyway.

I did it because I wanted to get fucked by Owen Hawk. Out of all the performers in all of gay porn, bareback and condom, Owen has always been and will always be my ideal top. I have spent the last few years getting to know Owen and in that time my desire to work with him has only grown stronger. He has created a bareback production company which shares similarities in quality with the bigger “safe-sex” studios. His roster of attractive models (his boyfriend and himself included) buck the ugly trend that a lot of the other American Bareback studios create and perpetuate. And his pay scale is inline with what I’m used to, which contrary to popular belief, bareback porn usually pays far less than condom porn. But above all that, Owen Hawk is simply one hot man who on many levels, fully understands me. Ultimately, I chose to go with Owen Hawk and over the other studios because his offer was far more appealing all-around.

I did it because I prefer bareback sex and I’d rather be with other openly HIV positive men. It’s understandable for HIV negative people to fear working with me due to my status, even when a condom is part of the equation, but that fear also turns me off to them. If everyone is turned off then why bother? Even if a major “safe-sex” studio wanted me, I’m not sure I could shoot with a HIV negative partner or with a partner of unknown status (unlike my situation, most models HIV statuses are not revealed to the public or within the industry itself), even if said partner was totally fine with me. A part of me would be afraid I could possibly spread infection to them which would hinder my performance. As it stands right now, I feel more comfortable being in bareback with models who I know are positive.

My video has reinvigorated online debate about the role gay porn serves in the gay community and the correlation between bareback porn and viewers participating in bareback sex. My opinion is that porn’s role is to entertain not to educate and that bareback sex does not influence real life behaviors. I truly enjoyed making the video with Owen and Brandon. I hope some of you take it for what it is (entertainment) and enjoy watching it.

Full story here:

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12 years ago

I guess if someone that is HIV positive is absolutely sure that his partner is also HIV positive I don’t see the harm in doing the scene. However, an HIV positive person should be legally barred from having sex with an HIV negative person under penalty of life imprisonment. Also, if Mason were truly moral about this he would ask for proof that Owen is HIV positive and not just dumber than a box of hammers. Even though I wish HIV would disappear I hope that Mason can find a selection of other HIV positive talent that is willing to… Read more »

12 years ago

This really shows why having mandatory monthly testing is such a good idea for porn. If gay porn uses condoms, but still has many cases of HIV then something isn’t working. But if straight porn has mandatory testing, & hasn’t had a case of HIV since 2004, then somethings working. The people pushing the condom mandate need to look at the facts, mandatory testing is the solution, not condoms.

12 years ago

I really don’t see the problem with using protection in porn. I mean does it really matter? You can still get the job done with a condom on. Why take the risk anyways? I’m pretty sure anyone watching a porn film doesn’t care if someone is wearing a condom or not. It’s really no big deal.

Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago
Reply to  Bones

It might be no big deal to an observer if someone else is denied an abortion, or an IUD or other contraception, either. In a free society, we mush accept the notion that adults have the fundamental right and liberty to make choices –even dangerous choices — with their bodies that we might not agree with.

12 years ago

I commend you mason. I’ve actually heard most of the “condon only” porn stars are already hiv + when they enter andand many times condoms arent used the whole time and sometimes (from being a viewer on sites nevtheer from being there) ive suspected other really sick things taking place but being edited out enough so you couldnt SEE see but you could see something not right is going on. Also have seen scenes where you can tell they’ve got the camera angled so you cant see the drug use. Yes folks this is happening in big name ”professional” studios… Read more » - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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