Meet Cameron Adams, VH1 Reject, Wanna Be Pornstar And Stalker (Updated 2-13)

Feb 13, 2012
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In the Internet world, the term ‘stalker’ is passed around almost as much as Rodger Coghil at a super-max prison. Some people deserve it and some don’t. I’m guilty of labeling people as stalkers based solely on the fact they know my every move and screen-cap my every tweet. But in the last 48 hours, my idea of a stalker has changed. So much, in fact, that I’ve reached out to Webster’s dictionary. I’ve asked them to pull the definition of stalker and replace it with two words: Cameron Adams.

For those who don’t know who Cameron is, she’s a convicted felon, who at the time of this writing, is on the run from the law. Her cases date back into her pre-adult days and she has actually done extended time on probation violations None of this bothers me though. I find it kind of hot. Her pics are hot. If I didn’t know she was a psycho nut-job with IBS, an escort who doesn’t believe in condoms, and the on-again off-again sex partner of untested Bi amateurs, I would consider letting her perform obscene acts to my dick. Sadly, I now know so much about her I’ve considered calling crime stoppers with Dr Drew on three-way.

It seems all this started when adult performer Taryn Thomas started dating a guy she had known for over 10 years. This guy used to date Cameron. So, not only did Cameron’s guy move on, but he moved with a bona fide porn star – something Cameron wants but can’t have.

At one time, Cameron was on the VH1 reality show Tool Academy. That didn’t last long, and it’s something she can’t let go of. Roughly three years later, she’s still using VH1’s name in one of her twitters.!/vh1scameron

So, after getting thrown off the show she attempted a career at porn, but that’s been pretty much been relegated to blow bangs and glory holes. She’s managed to stay afloat with escorting and has told people she’s headed to LA to “work for Shy Love” and jump start her porn career.

But let’s go backwards for a moment. In a brilliant stalker move, she decided to seek out, fuck, and then move in with Taryn’s ex. Why? Well because she loved him! LMAO Yeah, right. More like a way to get under Taryn’s skin. And when that didn’t work, well that’s when the fun started.

Here’s a nice threat of violence with a cool gang rape throw in:

Here’s more cool threats and proof that im not the worst speller ever

Now, the above texts are bad. They’re not the worst and there are many more. I debated posting them but in the end decided it was best not to.  She’s the social network queen of stalking, utilizing every network – with the exception of E-harmony, which rejected her.

Imagine this chick shows up in LA, falls in love with Wolf Hudson, gets rejected then sees him with another pornstar. Is this the kinda of shit you want on your set?

Yea, she broke into a house and took a shyt on Taryn’s picture. I guess we should be happy that at least she wiped her ass.
Here’s a copy of her resume:

Hi, Im Cameron Adams, please hire me for your porn. My qualifications are, I have a nice body, decent face, and great tits. I can deep throat, I like anal, Was once on VH1, and have no problem shooting with untested talent..

My downsides are few, I have a warrant so I could be arrested on set, I have a small anger issue that sometimes makes me commit felonies, I have a restraining order that limits some of my movements, I have irritable bowel syndrome which causes me to take shits in weird places usually after I’ve committed breaking and entering but it could happen during anal, also I like to shoot videos of myself pouring gas all over peoples houses and threatening to set them on fire, I have jealousy issues so I cant shoot with any male talent, and im a horrible speller…

I don’t know man. This might not be the chick you want to do a casting couch session with. It could get really ugly.
2/13/2013– > Thanks to the fine people over at SICCNESS.NET I was provided with a

cameron adams

I still think freckly boobs are hot..

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13 years ago

Bitches be crazy. And this is one crazy bitch. U don’t know who u r fubmlg wht.

13 years ago

Is this broad Harmony from BackRoomCastingCouch??? If so, I may have to root my archive. Nothing better than crazy broads w/ a mute button around.

13 years ago

she’s got a new porn website coming out soon at

12 years ago

I loved her on!

One of my homies went missing... - The Siccness Network
12 years ago

[…] name Cameron Adams, she was on VH1 and does porn. Lol got busted for criminal damage-deface. Meet Cameron Adams, VH1 Reject, Wanna Be Pornstar And Stalker – THE REAL PORN WIKI LEAKS : THE REAL … […]

Tempe Guy
Tempe Guy
11 years ago

Worst person I’ve ever met in my life. Totally lied to me and said she only did webcam stuff. After we hooked up a few times, she went fucking crazy status and jesus. I don’t even know what the hell happened, but we parted ways. Then I come to find out all the shit she’s done. Thankfully she was disease free at the time so my stuff is in good condition. Not someone I would want to run into again in this life or any other.

Britney Amber
11 years ago

don’t mess with this chick, she came up with HIV along with her gay bf Rod Daily

Goldstein Army
Goldstein Army
11 years ago

Oy Vey. What a shiksa.

Cameron was in porn A LOT longer that 6 months!! « Kora Peters – The Dirtiest little Dixie Darlin you'll want to cum across! Adult Film Star XXX
11 years ago

[…] Originally Posted by RevSand If you take this article at face value then she has been around much longer then the 4-6 months reported.…lker/#comments […]

Xander Corvus Talks About Cameron Bay, Rob Black and Toxic Online Gossip | OC Modeling - Adult Talent Agency News
11 years ago

[…] February 2012, Adams had been the subject of articles detailing her strange, troubling and reckless behavior but this information could only be found if one knew Cameron Bay was Cameron […]

11 years ago

I remember seeing her on a youporn video (casting couch) awhile back. I always thought she was hot (in the youporn video at least) and i liked her tatts.

Fast forward about two years to now…

I went back to the same video just tonight and i was reading the comments because they usually give me a laugh, and i saw someone had typed her name.

I googled it.

Yea…WOW! 0.0

Potentially favorite porn star didn’t just take a shit on the magazine.

Very disappointed indeed. :/


[…] February 2012, Adams had been the subject of articles detailing her strange, troubling and reckless behavior but this information could only be found if one knew Cameron Bay was Cameron […]


[…] Rob Black the same guy who got mad when it was suggested that Cameron Bays numerous arrests and extremely sordid past shouldn’t have been used against her or even brought up when she […]


[…] disturbed, reckless felon who had stalked and threatened women in Arizona, including adult star Taryn Thomas. Furthermore, as we noted on September 12, Cameron’s history had been reported on other sites, as […]


[…] reality show star Cameron Adams is well known to readers of this site. We first reported on her exploits back in February […]


[…] Hall and AHF may have another problem — one of their star witnesses, Cameron Bay (nee Cameron Adams), has at least one outstanding warrant in Scottsdale City Court for failure to complete her […]


[…] boggles my fucking mind how anyone would believe anything that comes from Bay. The stalker, felon, who wanted to have her friends gang rape another porn-star, Bay, is lobbying on behalf of AHF, and Isadore Hall and says she’s doing it for other […]


[…] boggles my fucking mind how anyone would believe anything that comes from Bay. The stalker, felon, who wanted to have her friends gang rape another porn-star, Bay, is lobbying on behalf of AHF, and Isadore Hall and says she’s doing it for other […]


[…] weapon Isadore Hall and AHF have had up to this point has been ex-porn performer Cameron Bay aka Cameron Adams. AHF has marched Bay out to testify several times, each time she played a newbie performer who was […]


[…] this point we should probably mention that Brent’s ex is none other that Cameron Bay a.k.a. Cameron Adams. The hacked tweets that caught our eye were directed at her […]


[…] if the looming AB 1576 wasn’t bad enough, now the person who repackaged stalker Cameron Adams as Cameron Bay, the same person who has had her hand in almost every porn scandal of the last 3 […]


[…] the performer’s surname from Adams name to Bay, making it easier to hide her disturbing past from members of the adult […]


[…] talent pool. The question we need to be asking is, how was she able to slip through the cracks when this and this among other stories on several websites, has been published about […]

9 years ago

Dam she get arrested every week lol - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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