Heres a cool dude from Tennessee that likes to harass hotties on the fetish side of porn.. Hes a PWL guy who plays one side of his head against the other ..You would think with PWL gone he would stop, but nope..This is only the beginning with him..Maybe he will take this as a warning….
Michael Brubaker’s signature was to play two sides at once; he posted as “Unregistered” to defend models just to post personal info and harass them later in the same thread.
This is exactly what he’s doing on twitter with his @USnuke , @Agent_of_Chaos1 and @Internet_Mayhem accounts.
His Agent_of_chaos1 account even takes credit for taking PWL down; then his Internet_Mayhem account accuses Whiteacre of supporting PWL, etc.
His calling card is that he will say something nice about a model on his @USnuke account, and then later that day he will open up another twitter account and call that same model ugly, fat or old, etc. He opened several twitter accounts adding “HIV” to a model’s name in the past (those have been suspended for violating the twitter TOS).
“Mikey B” served in the navy, and also has used the email address You can search for that email and see him posting on message boards devoted to a certain retired ship in the navy (where he received his nuclear training). He tells a story about how he broke both his elbows and couldn’t go on a second tour.
Mike Brubaker currently works at the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant in Tennessee as a shift manager. He has a thing for fetish models, and a very short temper, and gets very angry very easily.
I wonder if his co-workers know that Mr Brubaker is a crazy creepy pervert?
All of the my Trolls who are bored feel free to play around with his info…We have some background on this guy but are waiting to see what he does next..
good catch yall
What a complete loser. More than that–this one seems seriously ill, pathological and delusional. I actually know some people who work at the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant…I’ll see if they know this chump.
Brilliant! He also has two kids. And I wouldn’t be surprised if he broke his two elbows on purpose to avoid a second tour. Coward! Now he hides behind his computer like cowards do.
LOL….too funny!
Wonder if his workplace would like prints outs of all the info we have on him?
Man the harpoons!
let’s go phishin’!
Guy’s kids gotta eat. Don’t send shit to his work.
The kids of the people he trashed on pwl had to eat as well. He’s another scumbag, and deserves whatever he gets…especially since even though pwl is gone, he is still being a jackass on twitter.
do you really want a guy THIS unstable running a NUKE plant?!? what’s to say he won’t go nuts and sabatoge the joint?? you could be saving lives. also if you look at this jokers twitter feed hes constantly writing about cancelling models paypal accounts, screwing people over, etc. plus he appears to be an old dude so his kids are likely grown.
he changed twitter handle @USnuke to @HighLevelLogic
Don’t send shit to his work? Good thing it is opposite day because PWL got people fired. I don’t see a reason why the same treatment can’t be dished out to the guys who did it.
AMEN. The children of sex workers are NOT less important than anyone else!
Plus, his kids are grown. What about the pictures of little children and babies shitbags like this posted on PWL?
This guy posted my address and photos of my house on PWL with the intention of initiating harm to MY family.
His work will know, *everyone* will know.
Frank, I would make sure your friends spread lots of true juicy dirt on this one especially since he is in a supervisory position over a very sensitive nuclear plant. This guy deserves to lose his job in my opinion from what is said here. Maybe he could be cast in a scene and beaten to a pulp (or maybe not, he might actually enjoy it). I think Bobbi Starr and Dia Zerva may like a few minutes using him as a punching bag since they can’t get to Donny himself (their legal names were released on the Mark… Read more »
He’s baaaack…..
So watch out for the name “Insidious”