I’ve spent so much time on porn tard Serenity Haze that I’ve been neglecting AHF pitchman and Plush Talent recruiter Mike South. Most of you have no idea who Mike South is. He once had a well read blog, then he was exposed as a fraud, now, he toils in mediocrity wishing it was the 90’s.. When not outing girls for escorting, offering expert legal advice, he can be found defending accused rapist Scott Ohanian, owner of Plush Talent..
The other day South decided he would make fun of Jenna Jameson for what he perceived as weight gain.
The original title of this post was “Most recent photo of Jenna Jameson” He didn’t add the “Or Not” until someone pointed out that was not Jenna. You would think if you decide you wanna sub post insults you’d at least make sure you got the right person.. No not Mike South, that’s not his MO.
So South writes up a quick post trying to make fun of Jenna for gaining wight, finds out its not Jenna, and what does he do? Nothing, he leaves it up for 40 hours until enough people call him out for it he’s forced to delete it…
Honestly, should a guy who looks like this:

Mike South: Ladies Man
Be writing about how others look?? WTF man
South and his Glass Houses
I feel bad for South. When his mom passes, he’s going to have to hide her body until he’s old enough to collect his own Social Security. That is going to be one stinky apartment.