Millionaire Strip Club Owner Bender Cain aka Paul Sparks Buys Race Car

May 30, 2017
Adult Business News
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I’ve been laughing at this for a couple of months now.. For those who don’t know who Gabriel Bender Cain is, click here and read up, then come back.

In April, Bender Cain, using the name Paul Sparks interviewed fan favorite and cool dude Mick Blue, the interview covered Mick’s love of racing and how he was looking for sponsorship..

A week or so later, Bender sent out this tweet:


Which prompted one of the most ridiculous paragraphs in PR history,

Last week Mick announced that he is hunting for a sponsor to join the team he is building for his new career as a racecar driver. Soon after word went out, he was interviewed by Paul Sparks, CFO and Chairman of the Board of Explicit List. Soon after the interview was released, Explicit List announced that they are considering becoming a sponsor for Team Mick.

I understand that in the PR game sometimes it’s hard to find promotion worthy content, but that is just plain stupid..

“Paul Sparks, CFO and Chairman of the Board of Explicit List”, who the fuck calls themselves CFO and Chairman when they interview someone??

And why does a blog with no traffic need a CFO?

I guess some people didn’t get the memo, Bender uses about 6 aliases on Explicit List,  click here for the list

I can see the explicit list board meetings now

Bender to CFO Paul Sparks, How much did we make last month?

Bender pretending to be Paul, nothing really, I found some gummy bears in the Walmart parking lot though.

Bender to CFO Paul Sparks, Do we have enough money in the budget to sponsor a race car? All we need is about 35k.

Bender pretending to be Paul,  well I’d say we are about 35k short of that goal.

Bender pretending to be Paul asking Kid Kaboom a question, We need to raise some cash, any ideas?

Bender pretending to be Kid Kabbom, sure, we can have a topless car wash.

Bender pretending to be paid intern Teal, I find a topless car wash to be in poor taste.

Bender pretending to be Paul Sparks and Kid Kaboom at the same time, a topless car wash it is

Bender pretending to be English gent Dan Daily, using a fake English accent,  I think a topless car wash is a cheerio idea

Mike Souths fake lawyer, I gotta pee, anyone have a empty dew bottle.

Scott from Plush, Tealn wanna shoot a custom? I can easily make us the 35k, people are always asking me for gummy bear sex customs.

James Bartholet, make sure you spell CFO right, and gummy bear customs sound like a winner.

I was able to procure a picture of the new Explicit List Race Car


Stay safe Mick Blue



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7 years ago

Idk if it’s fortunate or unfortunate I don’t have to “go read up” on this guy. All round great guy as I remember. Involved in some great causes. He’s been a yearly contributor to, boosting ad revenue. Making Anikka a widow is surely a cause her real die hard (stalker) fan base will embrace. Mick is a SCCA licensed driver i’m sure he will okay. Why wouldn’t you trust a guy with a name like Bender. Reminds me of the Acadia University days after consuming multiple bottles of Johnny Walker Blue. One Frosh week waking up twisted and upside… Read more » - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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