NSFW: Geometry Porn Still Pretty Fappable

Mar 21, 2012
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It’s a rare day that we get to talk about FREE PORNOGRAPHY here at Bestweekever.tv (pausing to let Google Search Result Big Bucks start rolling in), but it seems that we’ve finally found a middle ground between “porn” and “thing that will not arouse you.” It’s Geometry Porn, and as reported by Gizmodo, it’s an iPhone app created by artist Luciano Foglia that has been banned by Apple for being too pornographic.

Now I’d like us to all take a moment to pause and imagine our middle geometry teachers masturbating.

Where was I? Yes. Geometry porn. So this app takes various pink colored shapes (which is racist yes), and puts things into action in a not really sexy but sort of beautifully artsy way. It’s not safe for work but like your wife wouldn’t get mad if she found it on your phone, get me? If you can find a way to fap to this, you are probably to very likely a madman and/or Max Headroom.

I’m putting my blogging life on the line by posting two videos of this geometry porn ahead. Close the shades, get your protractors out, and turn all those framed photos of your family upside down. NSFW!

Vid #1

Geometric Porn App Preview from Luciano Foglia on Vimeo.

Vid #2

Source: Best Week Ever

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Imposter Foster
11 years ago

It’s hip to be square and poor.

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