One-Third of Amateur Porn Is Filmed in the Bible Belt

Feb 12, 2014
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And most of it is submitted by women

Amateur Porn Is Filmed in the Bible Belt

The fine folks at report…

As PornHub proved last year, paging through the Bible still leaves America’s most religiously-identifying cities with plenty of time for some after-prayer wank sessions. Huntsville, Alabama topped the most porn-loving religious cities in America, with 23.8 PornHub views per capita all the while 55 percent of its residents called themselves “highly religious.” And it seems those who so enjoy the life in front of the screen also are first to take on some extra-curricular activities behind the camera. A six-month research study of all amateur porn submitted to Homegrown Video, an amateur video hub, found that nearly one-third of all homemade sex tapes submitted to the site were created in the Bible Belt, America’s highly vocal evangelical midriff. To further shatter some regressive stereotypes, 56.9 percent of all those submissions came from women. Religious women making sex tapes? Hold onto your bonnets.

Farrell Timlake, Homegrown Video owner

“I think the important thing to take from these results is, regardless of region, religion, sex, or political views, people have an innate curiosity about sex,” say Homegrown Video owner Farrell Timlake (who also survived performing with Shelley Lubben).

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Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
10 years ago

No surprise here. The red states are also the biggest porn consumers. As Preacher Casey said in The Grapes of Wrath: “Why is it that when a fella ought to e just about mule-ass proof against sin, an’ all full up of Jesus, why is it that’s the time a fella gets a fingerin’ in his pants buttons?” - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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