Pat Robertson: Gays Will Make American Christians Like ‘Aberrant ‘ Anal Sex, Polyamory, Bestiality

Apr 4, 2015
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Televangelist Pat Robertson told viewers of The 700 Club television show on Thursday that “the gays” are out to make religious groups in the U.S. conform to their views.

Pat Robertson: Gays Will Make American Christians Like 'Aberrant ' Anal Sex, Polyamory, Bestiality

Following a segment on Memories Pizza in Indiana, whose owners vowed not to cater gay weddings (although they’d never been asked to do so; who caters a wedding with pizza?), Robertson weighed in with a tirade about how gay people will force non-gays to embrace anal sex and bestiality.

It doesn’t matter what custom you’ve got, it doesn’t matter what holy thing that you worship and adore, the gays are going to get it. They’re going to make you conform to them. You are going to say you like anal sex, you like oral sex, you like bestiality, you like anything you can think of, whatever it is. And sooner or later you are going to have to conform your religious beliefs the group of some aberrant thing. It won’t stop at homosexuality.

Robertson said that polygamy and “sex with animals” will “come next” as a result of the gay rights crusade.

Robertson’s remarks aren’t all that surprising, given hiss history of anti-gay sentiments.

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