Pro-Domme Hudsy Hawn Slated to Teach Two Classes at the Armory Next Month

Jan 25, 2018
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Pro-Domme Hudsy Hawn

Renowned BDSM educator and Pro-Domme Hudsy Hawn will be teaching two classes in February as part of’s educational offerings at the Armory in San Francisco, CA.

“I’m excited to be teaching two of my favorite classes at the Armory,” said Hudsy Hawn. “To get to be part of the history of their kinky halls of education (and right before they relocate) is truly a timely honor!”

Hawn will be teaching two classes on Saturday, February 3, at the’s historic Armory in San Francisco. Course descriptions are below:

T.O.Y.S. (Touch on Yourself): Are you excited about BDSM’s erotic possibilities but you and your partner still haven’t begun to stock your toy bag? The choices and tastes are limitless but before you make those first selections, consider this acronym:

Touch. On. Your. Self.

Hudsy Hawn shares her insight on your most important first investment: Using your mind and body. Learn to create play with your most personal play implements, your physical limbs, creative minds, and the 7 Wheels of Energy.

Purchase your tickets to this class here:

The Road to Domhood: How do you become a seasoned Top? Ask yourself, “WHY do I want to be a Dominant?” Figure out if your reasons are going to benefit not just you, but the people you play with.

Hudsy Hawn offers a follow up to her popular class, FemDom101. Not just a class for beginning Tops, Miss Hawn is opening up the invitation to all genders and roles.

From reading your partner to understanding BDSM checklists, safe implement use and scene precautions, Mistress Hawn will guide both Doms and subs through both the mental and physical aspects of safe interactive BDSM. Bottoms are encouraged to chime in as well.

ALL are welcome to attend as we work our way up and down the road to “DomHood.”

Purchase your tickets to this class here:


Hudsy Hawn is a well-known TV and internet BDSM Educator, professional Domme, and Lifestyle Coach with 13 years of experience. She has appeared in Buzzfeed’s “The Try Guys TRY BDSM,” Playboy Radio, The Jason Ellis Show, Straight Talk with Ross Mathews, Cosmopolitan & Playboy, the E! Special “The Real 50 Shades of Grey,” and A&E’s Storage Wars. Visit her official website at or follow her on Twitter @HudsyHawn.


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